Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Demise of American Free Speech and Thought


The Army taught me many good and some not so good things when I served many years ago. I believe the most important concept I learned was the concept of Diversity. I was “forced” to live side-by-side with many different ethnicities during my time in the service and I came to realize (No-Choice) there were so many different ideas, customs and backgrounds that make up what an individual is and what they become in life.

Some were more fortunate than others but, in the end, common sense, fairness and the respect of one’s fellow man was the foundation by which to judge others and accept that interdependencies among individuals is what is most needed. This involves debating, understanding another’s point of view and trying to live in their shoes before rushing to judge others or at least respect them for their point of view even if it is different than my own.

Years later while attending college and later when teaching college in Michigan I was again faced with many students with different backgrounds and beliefs. One of the most interesting was Labor vs. Management. It became very apparent when teaching a Labor Relations Class. I was fortunate in my career to serve both sides of the fence as a Union worker and later as a management employee.

The class was always lively, but I demanded respect for debating and to respect each person’s point of view. Nothing could be learned if no one would at least listen to each other’s side of the story. Besides, if you walked out or became unruly you received a failing grade. I did not expect to have many change their point of view, but I believed college was a place to openly express one’s free speech.

This is no longer true with so many divisions facing our country today and the cancelling of each other when one does not agree with the another’s point of view. This was sadly portrayed at the University of Michigan this week when a number of future medical professionals (White Coats) walked out of a ceremony because they did not agree with the Keynote Speakers point of view. Hey, I don’t like the name “White Coats” I demand they change the name because it’s racist in nature (Ridiculous).


This is troubling to me because are these people not going to treat or provide care if someone does not agree with their point of view. We are living in a dangerous time when the rights of free speech are under attack without anyone or institution having the guts to protect one’s right to their opinion.

We are witnessing the Demise of American Free Speech and Thought. I would have given those who walked out a failing grade.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Quality Guru for Governor of Michigan? Updated July 2022 - PROCESS BREAKDOWN! - Now What?

Being a student of Quality Management, Process and Systems since 1978 I was surprised at the Super Bowl ad that introduced Perry Johnson as a candidate for Michigan Governor. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/michigan/2022/01/27/republican-businessman-perry-johnson-joining-race-michigan-governor/9241033002/

The ad specifies Mr. Johnson as a Quality Guru. Mr. Johnson is best known for his work on the ISO 9000 Standards.

In 1994, I read his initial book on ISO 9000: Meeting the International Standards. I actually was certified as an ISO 9000 auditor back in the day of the 1980s and 1990s when I was certified in just about every Quality System that was known. I have written on this subject over the years and many posts are included in this Blog. http://qualityg.blogspot.com/search?q=iso+9000.

I will watch Mr. Johnson's candidacy with interest. I take the meaning (Title) of Quality Guru very seriously and it is usually bestowed upon someone who is a legend in their field and the title given by others. 



I could supply list after list and the same names will appear as being known as a true Quality Guru. Interestingly, I have read, witnessed and studied every name on these lists, and I have never once seen or heard any of them call themselves a Guru. In fact, most were very humble.

 The only name I would add that is not on many lists is Dr. Russel. Ackoff. https://management.curiouscat.net/articles/955-Interview-of-and-by-Dr-Ackoff-and-Dr-Deming

Sorry - I do not see Mr. Johnson's name on any of the lists.

Updated March 16, 2022


Updated June 12, 2022, Quality 101 - Preventive Maintenance (PM)

It seems preventive maintenance (PM) was not part of Perry Johnson's campaign strategy. Basically, a sound "Quality" PM system must take in to account every step of the planning process from beginning to end to make sure all interdependent pasts are controlled and identified for possible problems or breakdowns.

A Republican candidate for Michigan governor lost a bid to get on the Aug. 2 primary ballot Wednesday in the first key court decision since election officials found campaign petitions rife with fraudulent signatures.


Updated July 23, 2022 - Now What?

Perry Johnson is undecided about continuing as a write-in candidate after the courts refuse to let his name on the ballot. Wow! What a "Process" Breakdown. A "Systemic" Nightmare for a quality professional.


Now What? - PUNT.... this game is over.