Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Mr. Sub-Optimizer - Matt Gaetz

Systems Optimization: It’s about interdependencies, we must realize that change cannot occur in one part without affecting the performance and outcome in all other parts of the primary system (i.e., politics, education, business etc.) the system as a whole, and ultimately all other systems by which the primary system operates.

Congress is unbelievable. It is amazing that we vote in people like Matt Gaetz and the stupid seven (Which means McCarthy had a 96% approval rating among Republicans), the Squad, and a host of others on BOTH sides of the aisle. The approval ratings for congress and the people running for President are dismal.

Not one Democrat (208) voted against their party. That's not being strong. It's weak and cowardly and you will get what you sow and all of us have to pay for your gutless and spineless behavior. 

To you Republicans who went home because you wanted to diffuse your tempers - GROW-UP!

Over the years I have written about Sub-Optimization and the dangers it presents in any process or system. Matt Gaetz is a sub-optimizer. This is nothing a but a personal vendetta and his personal dislike for Kevin McCarthy. What a PUNK!

There it is folks the number one problem I am always referring to when it comes to improvement opportunities. – SUB-OPTIMIZATION, as long as political groups and committees are involved (Fed, State and Local) there will be sub-optimization. The irony is they don’t even realize the damage they do by not having one common money purse, one aim, one plan and one mission for all. Sub-Optimization is found in all our major problems. The United States is the whole and congress work for themselves and their party.

I also nominate Matt Gaetz for: 

P/S - Trump is not the Savior.