8 reasons Army-Navy football is the greatest sporting event of all time, ever, in the history of the world. https://www.yahoo.com/news/8-reasons-army-navy-football-154058233.html
Updated October 6th, 2024
Don't look now but Army and Navy are both 5-0 so far this season. Army has an outstanding quarterback named Bryson Daily and he should get some Heisman votes. Army is even passing more this year. https://goarmywestpoint.com/sports/football/roster/bryson-daily/21825
I think it has to do with me infiltrating a Submarine (USS New Jersey) last month.
Updated October 12th, 2024
Army wins again, now 6-0. Bryson Daily had another game with 100+ Rushing yards (4TDs) and 100+ Passing yards (1 TD). Season - 14 Rushing TDs and 6 Passing TDs.
The 2023 installment of Army Navy will mark the first time in the 124-year history of America’s Game that it will be played in New England, and only the third time it will take place outside of the mid-Atlantic region (Chicago in 1926 and Pasadena, Calif. in 1983). In addition to hosting America’s Game, 2023 will feature several notable milestones for Massachusetts and the United States including the 250th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, 225th anniversary of the USS Constitution’s maiden voyage and commissioning of the USS Massachusetts as a Navy vessel.
Special thanks to Jason P for hosting the get together. His condo looks like a sports bar with all the TVs.
In the annual football uniform dispute, 2021 Army trumps Navy
December 7, 2021- The Squid is getting pumped for the big game this Saturday.
See You Next Year!
November - A few of the boys having a lunch together a month before the game.
December 14th, 2019
Updated 6/14/19 - RIP Big Dan
Army wins 14-13
Wow - When was the last time we could say ...
Since 2012 play for the Commander and Chief's Trophy
Navy's Record - 6-5
Prediction: Army 20 - Navy 16
Updated - December 9th 2017
Army wins 14-13 in less than ideal conditions. Came down to the final play in a hard fought game. Two wins in a row for Army and a 9-3 season (Including winning the Commander and Chief Trophy) which is fantastic for the cadets!!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 2016
Three years ago we went to the game in Philadelphia. This year we plan on going to Tennessee to watch the game with one of the originals who retired there a few years ago. It will be a 9 hour drive and hopefully Mr. Navy can make it with out us stopping every hour for you know what!
Midshipmen fall to Black Knights 21-17
Army actually has a chance of having a winning record going in to the game this year!
More to come...
December 3, 2016
The road trip look like a go and we plan on leaving next Friday to watch the game on Crossville Tennessee.
The Good news is my new grandson came early and was born on November 30th!! All are doing well.
The Bad news is Navy has a great record 9-3 and looking at a league championship and major bowl game. Army actually has a winning record 6-5 and scored over 60 points in three games this year.
Both teams get Bowl Bids!!
Army - 2016 Zaxby's Heart of Dallas Bowl
Navy - Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl
I decided I may need some extra help this year in granting a wish for the cadets. So I ran in a Santa Dash (12/4) and had a picture taken with the Fat Man.
December 11, 2016 - Oh Yeah!! Ho Ho Ho - Army Wins...
Army-Navy game 2016: For first time since 2001, Midshipmen fall to Black Knights 21-17
It was a fun filled three days going to Tennessee to watch the game with good friends. The last road trip three years ago it snowed and when we drove home today we encountered the first major snow storm of the season but we made it back safe and sound and tired. Of course Mr. Navy got his rest (He denies he ever falls asleep in a car).
It's too bad we did not get a video because it sounded like I lost a muffler.
We stayed in a really nice place that was more like a condo than a hotel room.
Our first night Aaron's wife Sandy made us a Steak dinner that was fantastic with home made apple pie for dessert.
Saturday we watched the game at Aaron's new house (Absolutely Beautiful)! They built a house on a golf course surrounded by 11 lakes and four other courses. Sany again made all sorts of snacks and goodies. Of course the game could not have ended any better since the losing streak is finally over.
During the game my daughter sent me some pictures of my granddaughter and new grandson ( One week old). Their Dad was at the game.
Click on Pics to Enlarge
USAA Army-Navy Boxing Classic
Friday, December 11th
Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center, Exhibit Hall A
Updated - December 13, 2015
While it was not the blow-out (22 point under dog) that was predicted Army still lost 21-17 and that makes 14 losses in a row.
Thanks to all who attended the game. Click on Pics to Enlarge
We even had our youngest square winner - Big Evan!! - I'm Batman
For up-to date information - http://armynavygame.com/
Date: December 13
Time: 3:00 pm est
Location: Baltimore, Md
Total Series Games: 114
Series Record: Navy 58–Army 49–Tied 7
Series Began: 1890, Navy won, 24-0
Last Meeting: 2013, Navy won, 34-7
Current Streak: Navy, 12
That's right - Army has lost 12 in a row. I had to resort to drastic measures and visited Annapolis this past October. I put the jinx in the following locations:
Click on Pics to ENLARGE:
I Don't Fear no Stinking Goat!!
I also had to get my Army supporters going while they are out hunting and fishing:
Terry says "Go Army" while bagging an Elk in Colorado
The Ptak's say that Navy will sleep with the fishes this year!!
Game Day - Another loss! 13 in a Row - all I can say is it is always fun to see old friends and that is more important than the game. Following are some Pics:
My daughter and son-in-law (He is an Annapolis Grad and is currently an officer in the Navy). went to the game - CLICK on PICS to ENLARGE
Thanks Craig S for the Pics
------------------------------------------------------------- 41st Annual - 2013 ARMY/NAVY GAME
One week to go and we are off. Army is 3-8 and Navy is 7-4. The only thing I can hope for is that Army who leads the nation in rushing can score early and control the clock.
December 15, 2013 - Went to game and Army lost again - It's now a Dozen in a row!
We had a good trip from Friday to Sunday. We got lost each time we got in to our rent a car. The game was great for Navy and Mike but for me it was a major disappointment but the trip was well worth the time and cost because of being with some of my best friends.
On the Plane - Are the seats getting smaller or some Gutts and Butts getting bigger!:
This was the first time in 114 years the game was played in the snow (1st half). We sat up high and it was cold. It started sleeting at half time and turned to a freezing rain for the second half.
Tailgate before Game:
Game Time: Fear the Goat!! Looks like a Mouse to me!!
Everyone had to carry/hold Mike's Crap (There was more):
Here are some other pics from our trip:
2012 ARMY/NAVY GAME Saturday, December 8th at Lincoln Financial Field,
Kick-off 3:00 p.m.
LOCATION - Campbell House
I'm thinking a little Voodo may help this year!
Updated 12/9/12 - Lose Again - 11 in a ROW
Updated 12/20/12 - RIP Mr. Donoghue
| ||||||||||||
Updated 4/16/13 - RIP Big Ben)
This has been a terrible past few months for the Army/Navy gang. As you can read we lost another friend suddenly. Big Ben just started attending the past three years but he just loved our get together. He told all of our high school classmates about the annual party and anticipated the nex one throughout the year. Ben was a Navy Veteran.
FedExField is a state of the art football facility in the heart of the Capital Beltway in Washington DC and home to the NFL Redskins. With room for over 85,000 fans, the 2011 Army-Navy Game may host the biggest crowd in the game's history.
navy butt whipping
Click on Pic to Enlarge
I'm breaking out a new shirt and hat for this year to see if the losing streak will be broken.
Prediction Army 23 Navy 17
UPDATED: 12/11/11 - LOSE AGAIN - 10 in a stinkin ROW!!
Same results - everyone had a good time, food was great , I even won a square for the first time in 39 years.
Last weekend Navy beats Arkansas St and Army Loses to Notre Dame!
UPDATED - 12/6/10
Navy is 8-3 this year and Army is 6-5 and both are going to Bowl Games. The first for Army in a long long time. Air Force is also going to a Bowl which goes to show being a veteran and fan can bring out the attendance at these games.
I'm hosting the party this year and I have put my food order in and got the basement close to being ready for the game on Saturday. Everyone keeps saying Army has a chance this year. I'm just hoping for a close game and win it at the end.
UPDATED - 12/10/10
OK, no big boast just a sound prediction - Army 17 - Navy - 13
UPDATED 12/11/10 - Game Day!
The best way to sum up the game is the following article:
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - December 10, 2010 (WPVI) -- The eve of the 111th Army-Navy game means the Army-Navy gala at the national constitution center.
A beautiful night at the Army and Navy gala and everyone was in their evening best with many of them believing that their team is the best heading into Saturday's big game.
"It's a great rivalry even though we haven't won in a very long time. We're really pushing for it this year. We can feel it," said Ricky Garcia, a U.S. Military Academy senior.
"They're probably a little better this year, so they might score a touchdown this time, but we're still going to win," said Bryan Hamby, a U.S. Naval Academy junior.
There was a competitive spirit running strong at the National Constitution Center ahead of the 111th Army Navy game. The schools' pep bands dueled, the West Point cheerleaders swing-danced, while their rivals roared their own battle cries. Of course team mascots were on hand confidently swaggering through the crowds.
1,100 people celebrating another year of this storied match-up in a city centrally located between Annapolis and West Point. It brings more than 50,000 visitors to Philadelphia, generating a $35 million economic impact. But it's so much more.
"If you were around the city tonight, you have midshipman and cadets everywhere. There's just excitement. And I think this setting for this party couldn't be better," said Tom Muldoon, President of the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau.
No doubt the rivalry is strong, but school leaders don't lose sight of the real message here.
"We're going to have a tough football game tomorrow. But the most important message is, after it's all over, we're going to be on the same team," said Lt. Gen. David Huntoon, Jr., U.S. Military Academy Supt.
"They are going to build friendships and a brotherhood that will last forever. So it's really a spectacular opportunity to celebrate what's good and right about our nation," said Vice Adm. Michael Miller, U.S. Naval Academy Supt.
UPDATED 12/12/10
In memory of Dandy Don Meredith (NFL and MNF Fame) who passed away this week because he was known for singing "Turn out the lights, the party's over" (a line from a Willie Nelson song, "The Party's Over") at the time the game was apparently decided.
Below are some short clips - WARNING! Some Language not suitable for young viewers (Listen for Big Dan in background)!
Well this game was decided when Army's QB did something with the ball on the 1 yard line and Navy ran it back for a touchdown.
My prediction was right for Army - 17, but Navy scored 31. And, again I did not win a square and the card game was not much better.
That does not matter since 26 friends got together and had a good time! It really is a special day.
This year we welcomed Big Ben and Chuck the Marine to our fold.
Until next year ... click on pic to enlarge
UPDATED (12/18/10)
In 2005 this story below took place during the Army/Navy Football Weekend.
I want to thank Dr. TD Moody for sending this to me!
By Ronnie Polaneczky
Nov 27, 2007
And now, I bring you the best Christmas story you never heard.
It started last Christmas, when Bennett and Vivian Levin were overwhelmed by sadness while listening to radio reports of injured American troops.
"We have to let them know we care," Vivian told Bennett.
So they organized a trip to bring soldiers from Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Hospital to the annual Army-Navy football game in Philly, on Dec. 3.
The cool part is, they created their own train line to do it.
Yes, there are people in this country who actually own real trains. Bennett Levin - native Philly guy, self-made millionaire and irascible former L&I commish - is one of them.
He has three luxury rail cars. Think mahogany paneling, plush seating and white-linen dining areas. He also has two locomotives, which he stores at his Juniata Park train yard.
One car, the elegant Pennsylvania, carried John F. Kennedy to the Army-Navy game in 1961 and ’62. Later, it carried his brother Bobby’s body to D.C. for burial.
"That’s a lot of history for one car," says Bennett.
He and Vivian wanted to revive a tradition that endured from 1936 to 1975, during which trains carried Army-Navy spectators from around the country directly to the stadium where the annual game is played.
The Levins could think of no better passengers to reinstate the ceremonial ride than the wounded men and women recovering at Walter Reed in D.C. and Bethesda, in Maryland.
"We wanted to give them a first-class experience," says Bennett. "Gourmet meals on board, private transportation from the train to the stadium, perfect seats - real hero treatment."
Through the Army War College Foundation, of which he is a trustee, Bennett met with Walter Reed’s commanding general, who loved the idea.
But Bennett had some ground rules first, all designed to keep the focus on the troops alone:
No press on the trip, lest the soldiers’ day of pampering devolve into a media circus.
No politicians either, because, says Bennett, "I didn’t want some idiot making this trip into a campaign photo op."
And no Pentagon suits on board, otherwise the soldiers would be too busy saluting superiors to relax.
The general agreed to the conditions, and Bennett realized he had a problem on his hands.
"I had to actually make this thing happen," he laughs.
Over the next months, he recruited owners of 15 other sumptuous rail cars from around the country - these people tend to know each other - into lending their vehicles for the day. The name of their temporary train?
The Liberty Limited.
Amtrak volunteered to transport the cars to D.C. - where they’d be coupled together for the round-trip ride to Philly - then back to their owners later.
Conrail offered to service the Liberty while it was in Philly. And SEPTA drivers would bus the disabled soldiers 200 yards from the train to Lincoln Financial Field, for the game.
A benefactor from the War College ponied up 100 seats to the game - on the 50-yard line - and lunch in a hospitality suite.
And corporate donors filled, for free and without asking for publicity, goodie bags for attendees:
From Woolrich, stadium blankets. From Wal-Mart, digital cameras. From Nikon, field glasses. From GEAR, down jackets.
There was booty not just for the soldiers, but for their guests, too, since each was allowed to bring a friend or family member.
The Marines, though, declined the offer. "They voted not to take guests with them, so they could take more Marines," says Levin, choking up at the memory.
Bennett’s an emotional guy, so he was worried about how he’d react to meeting the 88 troops and guests at D.C.’s Union Station, where the trip originated. Some GIs were missing limbs. Others were wheelchair-bound or accompanied by medical personnel for the day.
"They made it easy to be with them," he says. "They were all smiles on the ride to Philly. Not an ounce of self-pity from any of them. They’re so full of life and determination."
At the stadium, the troops reveled in the game, recalls Bennett. Not even Army’s lopsided loss to Navy could deflate the group’s rollicking mood.
Afterward, it was back to the train and yet another gourmet meal - heroes get hungry, says Levin - before returning to Walter Reed and Bethesda.
"The day was spectacular," says Levin. "It was all about these kids. It was awesome to be part of it."
The most poignant moment for the Levins was when 11 Marines hugged them goodbye, then sang them the Marine Hymn on the platform at Union Station.
"One of the guys was blind, but he said, ’I can’t see you, but man, you must be f---ing beautiful!’ " says Bennett. "I got a lump so big in my throat, I couldn’t even answer him."
It’s been three weeks, but the Levins and their guests are still feeling the day’s love.
"My Christmas came early," says Levin, who is Jewish and who loves the Christmas season. "I can’t describe the feeling in the air."
Maybe it was hope.
As one guest wrote in a thank-you note to Bennett and Vivian, "The fond memories generated last Saturday will sustain us all - whatever the future may bring."
God bless the Levins.
And bless the troops, every one.
Editors Note: The following is reprinted from the Philadelphia Daily News, written by Ronnie Polaneczky (email: polaner@phillynews.com)
Saturday, December 12th at Lincoln Financial Field, Kick-off 2:30 p.m.
Now don’t get worried I have not given up! Army has a chance to win the remainder of their games and finish 5 wins 6 losses. Hey that is an accomplishment compared to the past few years.
I am trying a new tactic this year (after 36 years) and that is I’m going in to this game with quiet covert like confidence. Just when all the abuse will be given to me at the start of the game Army will turn the tide with a big play in the second quarter and keep the lead for the remainder of the game!
What does this game mean – The Army/Navy Website says “When Army and Navy meet, there is no other game with deeper foundations or greater prestige.
Army is 5-6 and I don't think they have won 5 games since the mid 1990s. It should be a competitive game.
I am so hopeful I went to the Naval Academy last week to JINX Them!
Updated 12/7/09
Navy 21 wins
Army 14 wins
1 Tie
Updated 12/14/09 - Lose Again
At least I had Navy's score correct at 17. The only problem was Army was only able to score 3 points. Army even had the half time lead 3-0 which provided me with some bragging in the first half.
The get together was one of the best with at least 28 friends showing up for the game and festivities. It really is a special day.
2009 Special Note: Later this week I will include a group picture and newspaper article that a local paper did on our annual get together. Double Click on Pic to Enlarge.
Here we go again sports fans this is now the 36th year of a rivalry that gets better each year! Unfortunately for me and cadets from West Point it has been a rough number of years on the gridiron. However, this year the cycle is changing and Army is on the march to roll over Navy in Philadelphia.
At least he should watch McHales Navy!!
Updated 11/24/08
Army has not won since 2001!
1972 – 2007
NAVY – 21 – 14 - 1
ARMY – 14 – 21 – 1
ARMY - 3- 8
Date Opponent Result
Aug. 29 Temple L 7-35
Sep. 6 New Hampshire L 10-28
Sep. 20 Akron L 3-22
Sep. 27 at Texas A&M L 17-21
Oct. 4 at Tulane W 44-13
Oct. 11 Eastern Michigan W 17-13
Oct. 18 at Buffalo L 24-27
Oct. 25 Louisiana Tech W 14-7
Nov. 1 Air Force L 7-16
Nov. 8 at Rice L 31-38
Nov. 22 at Rutgers L 3-30
Dec. 6 Navy W 35 - 14 - MY PREDICTION
NAVY – 7 - 4
8/30 Towson W 41-13
9/05 @ Ball State L 35-23
9/13 @ Duke L 41-31
9/20 Rutgers W 23-21
9/27 Wake Forest W 24-17
10/04 @ Air Force W 33-27
10/18 Pittsburgh L 42-21
10/25 Southern Methodist W 34-7
11/01 Temple W 33-27 OT
11/15 Notre Dame L 27-21
11/25 @ Northern Illinois W 16-0
12/06 vs. Army L 35 - 14 My Prediction
I tip my hat to another great day spent with childhood friends. To those who did not make it this year we missed you, to those who we have not seen for a few years it was great to get you back and to those who have not yet attended, there is always next year.
Another butt beating by Navy and the scars just keep getting bigger each year. This year was very painful as the Army cadets did NOTHING. They did not even try to score when they were well behind. In the 4th quarter they were more concerned about getting their fullback the rushing record than they were about the game.
There is speculation the game may be pushed back a week next year to generate more national focus on the game and get a prime time start instead of noon. I'm pushing for a midnight game played in Siberia where only a few poor souls have to endure the game.
Who cares anyway? It was great seeing the boys from Saberland again and Mike and I already look forward to next year. By the way I lost the game, did not win a square (again) but did regain some funds at the poker table.
35th Annual Army/ Navy Football Game Between
I'm starting to post earlier this year because the MEN from West Point are getting in position to stomp the baby squids from the Naval Academy.
Lets look at the records so far this year. Army has played the tougher schedule and will do so for the remainder of the year:
Army at http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/teamSchedule?categoryId=86143&month=all
Navy at http://msn.foxsports.com/cfb/teamSchedule?categoryId=86119
For a complete history of the games please go to http://www.usna.edu/LibExhibits/Archives/Armynavy/Armynavygames.htm
Stay Tuned Sports Fans ... The big game this year is on Saturday December 1, 2007 at Mike's House. The game starts at 12 noon (WHAT THE HECK!!!)
Delaware Upsets Navy 59-52
Joe Flacco threw four touchdown passes and Omar Cuff rushed for four scores to lead Delaware to a wild 59-52 upset of Navy on Saturday. The Blue Hens (7-1), one of the top teams in the Championship Subdivision (formerly I-AA), rolled to 581 total yards against the Midshipmen (4-4), who play in top tier of Division I football.
Next week Army plays Air Force and Navy plays Notre Dame. In the past Mike has bet against Navy (very bad) on a football card. He actually took Army and the points hoping to win on points and the game. Not a bad strategy but that is sacrilegious. But what he has done now is inexcusable.
He has gone Irish and I have the proof.
Updated 10/29/07
For a number of years now one of the penalties for losing the game is to display the picture (below) of the winner for one year until the next game.
Needless to say Navy boy’s picture has been a staple for much too long.
The kicker is if someone that attends the games happens to stop by your house during the year and the picture is not display you must pay a $ 25.00 fine to the winner.
I knew it, once the squid traded his naval uniform for the Irish kilt he would jinx Notre Dame
Navy beats Notre Dame for first time since 1963
It's over. After 44 years and three overtimes. Navy finally beat Notre Dame 46-44 in triple overtime on Saturday, ending the Fighting Irish's NCAA-record winning streak against the Midshipmen at 43 games. "It's a big win for our program. It's a big win for the academy," Navy coach Paul Johnson said. "I'm happy I don't have to answer anything else about the streak every time we play."
Stan Brock (Army Coach) - please take notice because you are on a losing streak! Army lost to Air Force 30 - 10. C'mon cadets quit looking past your opponents.
Army loses tough game - Tulsa 49, Army 3
The Black Knights (3-8) lost their fifth consecutive game and second in a row at home, despite totaling a season-high 491 yards of offense.
Navy beats Northern Illinois (?) - Navy 35, Northern Illinois 24
Giving up 24 points and 355 yards doesn't usually qualify as a solid defensive performance.
By Navy standards, it was a gem. After surrendering 45, 44, 59, 44 and 62 points in their last five games, the Midshipmen forced a season-high four punts and allowed only 10 points after halftime.
Tell me who had the tougher duty? Click to Enlarge Pic
Everyone looks forward to this week. Calls are made and food is prepared with a target of Saturday December 1st at Noon for kick-off.
I will have my Domas prediction later this week so you all will have time to make your bets.
Some days it just doesn’t pay to get out of bed. For the last six years the Army/Navy Game has been a day of ridicule, put downs, smart ass remarks and the loss of money. However, No game or amount of money can bring the sounds of laughter, old stories, new stories and good times on game day. It was another attendance record for the third year in a row.
Navy again ran over and under Army all day during this festive occasion. I even felt the sting of some horns, not from the Navy goat but a ...
Another Surprise was when Leethal pulled up in his truck with a 10-point Buck (above photo) he shot earlier in the day just before half time. I really enjoy hearing the hunting stories from the boys.
The food was great with kudos to “Pheasant Ptak” and Rudy’s Smoked Salmon.”
Special thanks to Di who has “never” forgot my birthday with a Christmas tin of my favorite cookies.
I will leave this year’s game with the hope of a win next year but the real goal is the opportunity to see my friends again all on the same day.
P/S – sometimes I feel like Newman (Seinfeld) during the game.
34th Annual Greg and Mike - 2006
Every year since 1972, the annual Army vs. Navy Football game is played and witnessed by myself, squid and numerous childhood friends and family. For Mike (squid) and myself it is a rivalry that we started while I was in the Army and he was in the Navy. We both had, I mean joined the service at the same time and got discharged a few weeks apart.
This year's Army/Navy match-up marks the 107th meeting of the two teams and the 80th game to be played in Philadelphia. The Black Knights and Midshipmen meet on the gridiron at 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, December 2nd at Lincoln Financial Field.
The current record since 1972
Navy – 19
Army 14
1 Tie
All Time Record
ARMY 49 wins; NAVY 50 wins
7 Ties
I'm glad Army has a warm up game this week with Notre Dame
Last weekend Navy beat Temple and Army "barely" loss to Notre Dame.
click pic to enlarge
This sets up the game with Army bringing in a 3-8 record and Navy with a 8-3 record. Let's not forget that Army plays a very tough schedule while Navy looks to play the Merchant Marines.
Every year I get the same Question How many Points are you getting? Answer - NONE as in Zero.
We don't give points, this game would not be fun if we did because most of the Navy supporters can't count or add so they would accuse Army of cheating.
I'm just about ready for the game, need to shop for the food and draw up the squares.
Prediction by Domas (that's me) - Army 28 Navy 24 (if they show up)!
December 2, 2006 - Game Morning
I must admit this is very impressive - check out the US Navy Drill Team
December 3, 2006 - The Day After
What a “Stinko” Game (Navy 26, Army 14). Not just because Army lost but the lack of excitement and play calling by both teams. However, the day was a success for all that attended. As usual it was great to see so many (Grade School --> High School) friends and family (3 generations) together in the same spot at the same time. Click on pics to Enlarge.
Watching the game was as painful as listening to Rocky Reno tell us about his Kidney Stone attack Thursday Night and then to wake up to water in his basement because the Sump Pump did not work. Alas at least Rocky and I made up for our losses at the Poker Table.
Yes, I lost the game and the squares but recouped by playing cards with some of the originals (those that come every year to the game) and second-generation originals that still get schooled when playing with their superiors.
The food and drink were great and special thanks to my wife, daughter, MP and brother-in-law for helping with the food (Smoked Salmon, BBQ Ribs, Egg Rolls, Grinders, Taco Salad, Meatballs, Cheese, Buffalo Wings, Pheasant Ptak, Shrimp and of course the Fruit and Chocolate Fountain.
Until next year when we move to the Navy house thanks to all that attended. The attendance for the game is growing each year. As we grow older it always a welcome day to spend time with childhood friends and to also recognize the great job our Military personnel do for us to keep us free and safe.
A couple of ex-Saber Linebackers who could really Stick! Fat Jack & Lethal, best get out of the middle RB!
I would also like to thank the Hundreds of Blog Hits I received from around the World, especially those serving in Harms Way.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2005 Recap
Since I know you all watched the big game you already know the outcome. For those who did not, Army lost its fourth game in a row 42-23. They have also lost six out of the last seven. This is getting both humiliating and expensive.
HOWEVER, we had a geat time as always! Some new faces (TD, JD, Womper, Fat Jack, and the rest of Donoghue Brothers). It was great to see the new guys from high school show up, it was like a class reunion with all the stories being told. Hopefully, they will now join the regular crew for the annual event.
Some of us now are Retired and we have all gone in many directions (Doctor, Lawyer, Auto Workers, Executives, Millionaire, Beer Distributors, Teachers, Welders, Plant Managers, Union Officials, etc) but we will always be friends and no amount of titles, money or hardships will ever change our bond.
Don't worry Greg, half of the Navy team are probably Marines, and Marines are really Army guys that decided they would rather hang around sailors than be with real soldiers.
Attended but Missing (BB, RB, Lawyer Man & Some of the Donoghue Clan)
1/61st Inf.
4th Infantry Division
Every year since 1972 the annual Army vs. Navy Football game is played. For Mike and myself it is a rivalry that we started while I was in the Army and he was in the Navy. We both had, I mean joined the service at the same time and got discharged a few weeks apart.
It started out as a simple $5.00 bet that has been raised to its present standard. The money is not important it’s the friendship that we have for each other as well as our childhood friends who look forward to the game as much as we do each 1st Saturday in December. We now even have sons of the core attendees attending the games.
We alternate houses each year and each of us supplies the food and drink (others also bring side dishes that consist of the wild game recently shot and caught during hunting and previous fishing seasons). Each year we try to out do the previous year with banners, posters, pictures, slogans, music, and many good-natured threats. Cards and other games take place during the game especially if it’s a blowout. We post our squares board so that all can participate and check our numbers with each time out and score.
Over the years there has been about 14 of our best friends and family who attend annually. It’s one of the few times that “we” all get together at the same time to enjoy each other’s company. Other childhood and high school friends stop by on certain years.
It is considered blasphemy to miss the game or for someone to schedule any other event on game day. A wedding planned this year was about to put a crimp in the planning but the ghosts of West Point and the Naval Academy intervened. I also made a huge mistake a few years back when I thought it would be a good idea to invite some of the wives over in the evening to keep the party going. Let me just say there will be no more women stuff on Army/ Navy Day.
I hear about it every year and it almost equals Mike betting on Army on one of his Football Tickets a few years back. No Army guy would ever do that or at least admit that he did it!
The current record since 1972
Navy – 18
Army 14
1 Tie
ARMY 49 wins; NAVY 49 wins,
True rivalries make good teams great, and great games unforgettable. Army/Navy is such a rivalry, and after 105 games in its storied history the academies now stand deadlocked at 49 wins each (with seven ties). The battle for the "First to 50" will be held December 3 at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia. Philadelphia will be a buzz throughout the weekend, with Army/Navy activities from ship visits to Patriot Games competitions between Cadets and Midshipmen.
For more on the game and up to date news go to
http://www.phillylovesarmynavy.com/default.asp< /em>