Sunday, June 07, 2020

Top Five List - Punks, Politicians and Violent Protesters

When I was growing up (14-18), I always kept a Top Five List of people/groups I disliked and would go out of my way to antagonize if encountered or bothered by them (And in each case I was). The list would change order if some event took place that would alter my opinion. Absolute Power is the worst.

1)  Carny Bums
2) Motorcycle Gangs – Outlaw/Highwayman
3) Punks/Bullies
4) Violent/Militant Protesters
5) People who hurt kids and old people

Obviously, age and years of experience have now changed my list.

1) Career Politicians who put party over country and common sense
2) Corrupt Religious People (especially abusers)
3) People who hurt kids and old people
4) Violent/Militant Protesters
5) People who abuse animals

We need to keep a "Spotlight" on these type of people.

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