Monday, February 27, 2006

Data Collection + Example Forms

Since writing the post on Pareto Charts and Analysis ( Pareto Analysis) I have received some Email requests to provide some information on data collection (Tool/Technique) and to provide some example data collection forms. I have attempted to do both below.

Data Collection

One of the most overlooked criteria’s required prior to data collection activities is to create an “Operational Definition.

”An Operational Definition is a precise description that tells how to get a value for the characteristic you are trying to measure. It includes what something is and how it is to be measured. The key word is characteristic (s).

It is also important to understand that you may need a separate definition for each subject area. For example, Employee “A” may have a different definition than Employee “B”. The purpose of an Operational Definition is two-fold:- 1) To remove uncertainty so everyone has the same understanding- 2) To make sure that no matter who does the measuring, the results are always the same.

The following is an example Operational Definition I used when I worked in the Voucher Department:

“An error-free expense report includes receipts for all items on the Expense Form over $25.00 and does not include any receipts for items not included on the Expense Form. There are no math errors and expenses are coded properly.”


“The starting time to measure customer response time is when the customer enters our store and when the customer leaves.”Think of the Operational Definition in Data Collection as you would the Problem Statement for Root Cause Analysis. Both should be stratified (i.e., broken down/categorized) to provide a focus that can be measured and understood by all involved. Without this we will probably conduct meaningless data collection studies and reports (unfortunately I’ve done that many times when pressured for data).
Do NOT allow this process to be come bureaucratic, a nice guide (checklist) to follow that I inherently use when doing data collection or when I have no idea where to start a data collection conversation I ask myself Who, What, Where, When, Why and How (by “What Method”). Following are some tips that I have found useful:

1. Clarify Data Collection goals
• Decide why you are collecting data
• Decide what data you need to collectDecide how much (sample size) data you need to collect (i.e., are you looking for point in time or for an on-going trend)
• Decide What you will do with the data once you have it

2. Develop an Operational Definition
• Define what you are trying to evaluate
• Decide how you will attach a value to what you are trying to measure (develop data collection form and corresponding data base if necessary)
• Decide how you will display/record the data (i.e.; graph/chart, spreadsheet, report, etc.)
• Determine the period of time you will conduct the data collection activities

3. Test for Data Consistency
• Determine factors that may cause your data to vary from one item to another (i.e., people, your own subjectivity, location, time, size, different process, etc.)
• Reduce impact of those factors4. Data Collection
• Train all involved in study to ensure consistency (use associated data collection forms and input data base if required)
• Make data collection procedures error-proof
• Have frequent process checks (do a sample test on small group) to determine if data collection forms and tools are accurate and appropriate (i.e.; does the data look reasonable and actionable).

By following these guidelines you will not only improve your data collection activities, you will also reduce cycle time in analyzing and displaying your data with the appropriate graphs and charts.

p/s - When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, facts, theory or application, then you know something about it, but when you cannot measure it, envision it, or provide meaningful information about it, or if you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge or so called expertise is of an insufficient and unacceptable type.

Example Data Collection Forms
(Click on forms to enlarge)

The following DC forms are examples that may provide a starting point for data collection efforts:

1) This form can be used for collecting facts and information from a supplier, process owner or customer. Getting this information and data upfront allows the data collector to create high level end-to-end process flows, data collection sheets, further analysis, etc...

2) This form is used to not only collect data and information but it also serves in developing a sound operational definition and plan to data collecting.

3) The data collection from below is an example for collecting data on "Service Order Accuracy." When input orders are involved this is an excellent starting spot for correcting downstream problems, especially if the order travels through multiple departments. Do not forget the Sales Department(regardless of what they say) who usually are the first step in filling out the order.

Note: The data used above is "attribute" (i.e., counting, percentages) type data. This data can be useful in setting up Pareto Charts and for creating control charts (p, np, c, u).

qualityg always recommends a statistician before setting up and analyzing control charts.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Fewer Than Half of States Have Measurable Educational Goals for College Improvement

Mike P sent qualityg an Email today with some eye opening information about:

Improving higher education is a top priority in almost every state, but fewer than half of states have set specific, measurable goals to tracktheir progress in enrolling, retaining and graduating students. Accordingto a new report from Jobs for the Future, "By the Numbers: State Goals forIncreasing Postsecondary Attainment," just 23 of the 50 states have set atleast one numerical goal for increasing the number of students who enrollin college, stay in college, and graduate with a college degree. Only 10 have set numerical goals for all three. And only 11 have set even one goalrelated to improving the success rate among minority students. The full report, including state-by-state data, is available free at

If you don't have time to read the whole report please read the executive summary and take a look at your own state's individual goals that are detailed within the report. Pass it on to other parents and educators, If you care.

qualityg says ... I have reviewed this report and I'm not happy to report that I am not impressed. Many of the states that do have numerical goals are weak.

Back in August of last year (2005) I wrote two posts (there are more) on this same subject. One was about State Colleges Higher Education plans and goals and one was about Michigan's High schools challenging their plans with no concrete goals.

State Colleges of Michigan your dogma is do-do

State of Michigan School Board of Education - show me some numbers

Thanks to Mike P for sharing.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Systems Thinking & Boxing??? qualityg jr most improved boxer in 2006.

Systems Thinking and Boxing???

Last week one of the local Boxing clubs put on a show displaying the talent of many of their young fighters coming off wins at the Golden Gloves Tournament held last month. After one of the fights, the winner was very excited and jumped around yelling “I did it, it was all me, I don’t need nobody to be the best.”

The scene took me back many years when I was a young fighter, although I was a more humble winner, I must admit some of my thoughts were the same, until I got whupped in a sparring session. It was then I realized I wasn’t alone, I had a manager, trainer, teammates and sparring partners that were all needed if I was to become a “complete” fighter. Not having one of these vital positions or one that was not capable, would result in the outcome of becoming less than a "whole" fighter. I needed an environment (gym) by which to train and I needed family and friends for support. Fighters that forget they don’t need anyone are destined for failure (i.e., Mike Tyson after Cus Damoto died). It’s no different in business (one department does not make a company), education (you can’t look at the education system by grade levels without considering the whole), nor in medicine (sorry Doc, as much as you think you are indispensable, there is a whole host of interdependencies that are required if you are to be successful). qualityg jr understands this concept.

qualityg jr named most improve Boxer of 2006 at Joe Byrd's Boxing Club in Flint Michigan.
Joe Byrd is a past United States Olympic Boxing coach and father of current Heavyweight Champion Chris Byrd.(

It wasn’t until years later (early 90’ s) when I learned the concept of Systems Thinking when I attended seminars and classes held by Dr. W. Edwards Deming and Dr. Russell Ackoff. For more information please go to these sights:

In my opinion, you can’t implement any type of Quality Program without first having a solid foundation in Systems Thinking. Unfortunately, many leaders think they possess this knowledge, but in reality, to have this knowledge one must learn to cooperate before competing and understand that everything involves a system with interdependencies.

To better understand please read the following letter I sent some years ago to my bosses as we were starting to kick off another multi-million dollar project. The response I received was, “qg, great idea and seems logical, but as usual you are ahead of your time, our company is not ready for that type of change.” My response, “No, we are behind the times, I’m just trying to keep up myself and inform the leadership team what the best companies and leaders are doing to be successful.

Oh yeah, I should mention the IT VP was very excited when I mentioned the word “systems,” he always thought I meant what his department did all the time since they work on systems. He backed off when I explained that his group was part of the system, and did not own it; He still thinks his group is solely responsible for the success of any project.

From: qg
To: XXX bosses
Re: Systems Thinking & Improvement

In a project start up everyone is usually willing to do whatever it takes to get the systems (data, training, procedures, etc…) up and running to serve the customer (internal/external). People/departments forgo functional lines to ensure that everyone needs the resources and help to get the job done. Then the project starts and with additional resources come functional lines/silos that determine this is mine and that’s yours. We then create self-serving requirements and standards (all in the name of the project of course) that solidify our purpose and existence. Prior to project growth the key was communication and partnerships, because there was no “Them” to blame, it was just you and I and the project requirements and we did what it took to get the job done, without the use of procedures and policies and standardization. However, what comes with project growth is the need for Interdependent plans, measures, milestones and most importantly an overall “AIM” or more commonly called in Best In Class companies (BIC) “Constancy of Purpose.” The key is to manage these interdependent relationships so that they don’t begin to build functional walls with different objectives and goals on how best to serve the project goals from their individual perspectives.

It is imperative that we keep the collaboration and cooperation between the core project team (end-end) and supporting functional departments that is a basic requirement for project success. I would like to further elaborate on this subject by describing what is meant by “Systems Thinking” as taught to me by Dr. Russell Ackoff and Dr. Deming in the early 90s.

“Employees work in a System. Management owns the System.”

A system is a whole consisting of two or more parts, (1) each of which can affect the performance or properties of the whole, (2) none of which can have an independent affect on the whole, and (3) no subgroup of which can have independent affect on the whole. In short, then, a system is a whole that cannot be divided into independent parts or subgroups of parts.

Many companies engage in planning by having each major project group (Sales/Marketing, Provisioning, Engineering, Operations, IT, etc) or functional area initially develop plans for it independent of any others. These plans are subsequently adjusted to each other and aggregated (GOOD!). However, the adjustments are usually directed at removing conflict among the parts, not at maximizing their cooperation and collective performance. For example, when I worked at XXX we paid and awarded (trips, money, etc) our Sales Service Reps on how much revenue they brought in on a daily basis. Some of them continued to make sales even though many of the customers they solicited owed as much as $300-500 dollars in back payments. We never took into account how much time and money we lost in trying to get our money. In contrast, the Collection Service Reps were not (at that time) incented to collect the money it was just part of their normal job.

XXX internal/external customers are not going to judge our project success by the Engineering, or Operations effort, or the Provisioning and Training effort, but rather they are going to judge us as how well the XXX system meets/exceeds their wants and needs. Ultimately, the effectiveness of the interrelationships among our various project efforts will determine ultimate success or failure.

Interdependence is the key factor. In almost any system interdependence is an element that must be managed. Failure of management to comprehend interdependence was the number one reason why Management by Objectives (MBO) did not and will not work. The various efforts between project groups without the same aim/goal are destructive. More commonly called “Sub-Optimization.” What is the overall AIM of the project and what does each functional project group think it is? Another way to put it is to define completion from leadership’s perspective and see if it meets the projects overall goals.

As I see it, any project or company is a system made up of interdependent departments to serve our customers. For example, Sales/Marketing, Provisioning, Engineering, CIO, Support Teams (HR, Legal, Finance, etc), City Operations and Customer Support make up our system. We are all dependent upon one another to service “our” customer. To use an analogy from Dr. Ackoff, the way the heart affects the body depends on what the lungs are doing, and the way the lungs affect the body depends on what the heart, brain, and other parts are doing. The way an Operations Department affects an organization’s performance depends on the behavior of its Engineering Department. The behavior and actions of the Engineering Department are affected by the behavior and actions of the Operations, CIO and Customer Service Departments.

With every project or change come opportunities for those who plan and prepare for change. There are also those who wait for change and follow. I suggest we work towards optimizing our efforts as a whole. The main ingredient required to do this is “Systemic Communications” that drives all our efforts in the same direction. I also believe we need to do this jointly and openly in all locations.
I propose the Executive Lead Team work with each project group as the underlying link that continuously challenges decisions and actions to determine if they best serve the customer and the aim of the project. Remember, we own the system, and if those employees that are working (and not working) in the system see joint collaboration, planning and the same goals they too will drive towards the same goals and objectives. A good start in any new efforts is for the Lead Team to send a letter to their respective organization’s stating the importance and cooperation expected by each their employees to get involved and work with the Project and Operating Teams to accomplish the task. Failure to get involved is not an option.
Collaboration is a must, how we build on one another’s ideas, resolve problems, and learn to work effectively will result in our being the Best of the Best. It’s simple; we need to be better than we were the day before!

Attitudes toward quality in daily work must change as we move forward if we choose to be BIC. Many people are conditioned to believe that error is inevitable. We not only accept non-conformance, we anticipate it and measure it and plan for it. Whether we are coding a project, validating data, or provisioning an order, it does not bother us to make a few errors because we plan for them to occur. We simply believe that human intervention have a built-in error factor that is inevitable. However, does the same standard apply when we find ourselves as regular customers outside of work? If we did, we should accept without reservation or anger when our bank or 401K statements are not correct, or dinners come not as ordered, or the car that I ordered won’t start. Some would call this thinking a double standard or even hypocritical.

I asked a friend of mine who works at Firestone in the Quality Department how much fallout is OK? He said “Wilderness AT” tires.” It only takes a few!

In closing, I would like to share what I learned from Dr. Deming 1991, when I asked him during a break, in the context of Quality Improvement how I could get better data to show improvement. He told me (documented in his books) in his gruff way that there are only 3 ways: (my examples are in parenthesis):

My experience shows we start out in item 1 and most often result in items 2 and 3.

1) Improve the system to get improved numbers/data: Make fundamental changes that improve quality, reduce cycle time, prevent errors, and reduce waste. (Example - every ones goal at Project Start-up).

2) Distort the system: Get the (demanded) better numbers at the expense of other results. (Example – Functional Group optimizes the part and sub-optimizes the whole) – See following example:

Defect Team -- IT Team --  Engineering Team -- Quality/Cleansing Team -- Data Validation/Fallout Team.

Let’s assume that each sub process is operating at a 95% service level based on the amount of defects detected/measured within each sub process.

What would be the overall service level? Many would say 95%; after all if we were to add each up and divide by 5 we would get an average (Ouch!) of 95%.

However, if we were to look at the throughput cumulatively (systemically) we come up with a different figure:

.95 x .95 x .95 x .95 x .95 = .774 or 75%. Can we live with a 75% service level?

The important thing to remember here is how do we manage these activities.

Now, if we were to set a target for improvement (reducing the amount of defects that should be found upfront in the Defect Team) to let’s say 99.5%, the cumulative rating would now = 97.5%, a significant process improvement.

3) Distort the numbers (data): Use creative reporting/data mining to show whatever you’d like to show. (Example – usually occurs in every project when due dates are missed and fear is driven into messenger).


First and foremost before any system improvement effort can be undertaken it must be clear that employees are not the problem with the system. As stated previously, management owns the system and must take full responsibility if it has neglected them over the years. Our company as a whole is one complex system with many sub processes. Using Systems Thinking (perquisite), one can begin to understand the many facets that go into each process and realize that a change in one part of an operation may create a new problem somewhere else. For example if programming code is changed on a database without it being reported to all functions involved (including training), how long will it take to get accurate and reliable information

Most often core processes that are being used have evolved over a number of years, Initially the concepts may have been sound, but organizational changes (e.g., reorgs, mergers, etc), patches to programs, new products, projects (e.g., www, yyy, Training, etc.) personnel and process changes by one area often have made the total system slow, unreliable, unstable (variation), and complex. When this occurs efforts like end-to-end Process Engineering efforts are required. It is important to note that without and E2E approach (Systems Thinking), more damage is done by ”Tampering” because of the amount a variation (special/common) within an antiquated or broken process.

What also needs to be changed is the governance system by which our processes are vertically managed as opposed to horizontal. Our company still organizes around functions so they can have a talent pool of individuals that will support their own mission/objectives. One way to overcome this problem is by establishing a method for Process Management and identifying associated Process Owners (the person who has the most to gain or lose from the performance of the process - Accountability).

Using Process Engineering methods, the Operating Team can define or design the most effective system that will meet the primary goal, placing secondary importance on the various sub goals, whose only role should be to support the primary goal. For example, the primary goal might be “to develop a standardized process for providing a high return on stockholders’ investments.” The goal of the major sub processes (e.g., make sure a new product is delivered on time at low unit cost) would be aligned to the primary goal.

Activities that need to accompany this effort would include basic Process Management efforts like end–to-end process reviews, and process stability/capability studies to make sure all interrelated sub process are in alignment both qualitative and quantitative.

Following are some ”initial” vital activities that must be part of any Process Engineering effort:

1) The first task of the process owner is to define the boundaries (SIPOC + CCCC) of the process (may need to do step 2 in parallel). This should include everything from when the first supplier (Int/Ext) provides input into the process to the point at which the customer is using and paying for the service. Process Specifications like Objectives, Targets and Results are also established at this time. The output should be an agreed upon Standard Process. See SIPOC + CCCC at

2) Process Owner is responsible for organizing a Process Engineering Operating Team made up of representatives from each function involved in the process (this task cannot be skipped or delegated to middle management, if it is, the overall accountability and long term improvement efforts are doomed from the beginning. In addition, each functional member will represent their department and be responsible for commitments, information, data, training and project management of their areas with alignment to the over goal of the process.

3) Develop Communication Channels – since most processes have interdependent processes, Data Feedback Channels need to be established across the sub processes into one central depository.

4) Process Standardization – all process improvement efforts start and end with standardization. This includes ensuring that all employees in the process are utilizing the same documentation; data metrics, flow diagrams, procedures, decision tables and all associated training materials. Often times great improvements can be made by reducing the variation within a process (Voice of the Process), once this is done then Process Improvement activities (e.g., Six Sigma, Problem Solving, Reengineering, etc) can be undertaken to further enhance or redesign the process.

A Standardized Process is one that demonstrates that all the necessary procedures, training, documentation, measurements, controls, and checks and balances are in place to ensure the process is aligned with its goals and objectives. It does not mean that the process is capable of error free defect levels or optimum performance; it is only the basis for sound decision making to improve the process through continuous process improvement activities.

At this level of process engineering the approach should concentrate on the end-to-end process rather than the individual sub processes, thereby, giving the overall goal focused attention. Once this is accomplished the sub functional and sub cross-functional process improvement teams can then use the overall process engineering model as a guide.

qualityg also says...
"Someday Systems Thinking will be as vital to understand as Math, Writing, Reading and Science." Perhaps Boxing too!

congrats qualityg jr for winning the Milwaukee fight.

Some 30 years + earlier there was another fighter in the family:

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Leadership - customer quality stinks- ABN AMRO customer data found. Then how come I just got another letter from a different company (# 3) - 2/12/06

ABN Amro Mortgage Group, a US subsidiary of the Dutch banking giant, says a computer tape containing the confidential data for two million customers was lost while being transported to a credit bureau.
The tape was lost sometime after Nov. 18 in transit with shipping company DHL from Chicago, which was delivering it to the Experian credit bureau in Allen, Texas.

The company says the tape contains names, account information, payment histories and social security numbers for residential mortgage customers.

ABN Amro has begun an internal investigation into the matter and has notified the appropriate regulatory agencies. It has also asked DHL to conduct an investigation.

Thomas M. Goldstein, chairman and chief executive officer of ABN AMRO Mortgage Group in Chicago, said the lender deeply regrets the mix-up but has seen no signs of identity theft or misuse of the information at this point.

"I regret that this has occurred. I feel terrible for the customers that this impacts," Goldstein said. He noted that his name and his wife's name are on that tape as well, because they, too, have mortgages through the bank.

qualityg says … needless to say my name and social security number are on the missing tape. I called my mortgage company yesterday as I learned about the missing data. Hoping the company would have a sense of urgency I was immediately transferred to their normal voice mail announcements with no prompt about the missing data.

I zeroed out until I got a live person who was very kind and took my information and confirmed I was on the list. She tried to assure me everything was OK and I was going to get a 90-day free trial with True Credit Check Company. When I asked if there was anything special I must do at True Credit’s site I was informed I would need to put in a code that was mailed out Thursday. I asked for it now, I did not want to waste anymore time since the tape has been missing since NOVEMBER 18 and it is now DECEMBER 17th. She politely asked me to wait until I received the letter; I politely asked for her supervisor and received my code.

Mr. Goldstein, you don’t make me feel any better that you and your wife’s name is also on the missing tape. I bet you knew since 11/18/05. You also said you were answering Emails and contacting customers yourself who were complaining. It's obvious you don't understand customer satisfaction, most of us don't complain, we just tell other people, and sometimes we tell the potential Internet customers.

Let me give you a Process Improvement Tip – when transferring tapes with CUSTOMERS private information and financial amounts how about using a “Security” Transferring Company or an armored car.

You know what else is going to make me switch mortgage companies is the fact that when I went to your home page I was expecting to get some up to date information. I COULD NOT EVEN FIND A HEADING ABOUT THIS FIASCO.

Update 12/20/05

More than a month after the tape containing names, addresses, Social Security Numbers, account numbers and payment histories failed to reach its destination at a credit-reporting bureau in Texas, it turned up Sunday at courier DHL's main shipping facility in Wilmington, Ohio.

ABN AMRO Mortgage customers started receiving letters ( I have not recieved one as of yet) Monday informing them of the incident and the steps put in place to protect them. Customers started flooding the Web site and phone lines of TransUnion, a credit-reporting service ABN AMRO referred them to.

"Tens of thousands" of ABN AMRO customers have registered with TransUnion, according to ABN's CEO, Thomas Goldstein. But untold numbers have been unable to navigate the Web site or get through on the phone.

Goldstein said the Web site, which was expected to be the primary source of registering, had been overwhelmed by the volume of people trying to enroll, and that had spilled over to the phone service, which also was overrun.

"I feel terrible at the frustration our customers are having on top of getting this letter," Goldstein said in a media conference call Tuesday.

He said TransUnion has installed a gateway on its Web site that will control volume to the site and advise visitors to try later when capacity is reached. Some phone capacity has been added as well. Goldstein urged customers to keep trying.

qualityg says... you had a month to plan, you knew how many names were on the tape and you did not forecast the bandwidth that would be required. Like I said above, when I called it went through a normal day-to-day prompts with no mention of the lost data.

You must not feel too terrible, your home page still has no statement or announcement concerning the tapes.

updated 1/15/06

Ok Goldstein how come I received a letter from 1-877-810-EASY asking me to redo my mortgage debts by 50%. HOW COME THEY HAD MY ADDRESS, MORTGAGE INFORMATION AND EQUITY DEBT.

Hey I can even apply on-line via their "secure" site:

You will be hearing from me tomorrow.

updated 1/24/06

ABN AMRO Complaint
Personal Finance Information Lost - Financial Information Posted By: qualityg on 1/24/2006

updated 2/1/06

Guess what i got in the mail today. Yes another mortgage company named Ameri Mortgage that has my current mortgage with ABN AMRO. They said ABN AMRO has authorized them to offer me an Interest Rate Reduction that would save me thousands of dollars. They even put in one of those bogus checks for $35,000 dollars.

Attention Mr Goldstein (didn't you used to act in the "White Shadow" TV show) ceo of ABN AMRO. When is this going to stop. Never you say. Never is a long time so I think I will hang around too.

I wonder how much you will lose on my mortgage now that I have changed banks.

p/s - Ameri - is that a word? I will be calling the 888 number for my interest rate reduction. Please have a supervisor or manager ready to take my call. Have a nice day.

updated 2/12/06

Thank you APEX for sending me another letter offering me new rates on my current mortgage balance (exact amount).

Guess What - I hate any mortgage compnay that starts with an "A"
  2. AMERI
  3. APEX

You are all "A" Holes!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Misc - qualityg - "an introduction"


Purpose/Aim - The purpose of this site is express my thoughts, opinions, writings, sayings on the topic of Quality. Quality means many things to many people, for this site it means Quality in Business, Quality in Education, Quality in Government and Quality of Life.

My aim to provide feedback to the CEOs, Presidents, Educators, BODs, etc... that continue to transform our businesses, schools and government into personal gains regardless of what is done to the people who work at these institutions and the communities they supposedly serve.

I will give credit where credit is due, and blame to whomever is to blame based on my findings (data + information + application = knowledge).

I am not a fan of Quality Charlatans (i.e., consultants, bloggers, etc...) and go out of my way to challenge them based on "What" they say they have done and "What" they say they know. Why? Becasue there are ten phonies for every good Quality person or company helping people and companies do the right thing.

qg - anonymous, yes for awhile, my hope is that readers will concentrate on the message, not the messenger, if you must know send me an Email.


I have studied and applied Quality & Educational concepts for over 27 years in both Service and Educational settings. In that time I have held the following titles/certifications:

  • National Director of Quality
  • Director of Quality
  • Process & Technical Management Manager/Director
  • Lead Internal Advisor (Officers, Teams, Process Analysts, Quality Advisors, Team Leaders, etc)
  • Master Quality Trainer (SPC, Quality Tools/Techniques, Process Mgt, Team Leader, Team Member, Strategic Planning, ISO 9000, Six Sigma, etc)
  • Part-Time College University Instructor (undergrad) - certified to teach Business, Management, Leadership, Human Resources, Quality & Process Mgt, and Organizational Behavior & Change.
  • Certifications - Quality Systems, Quality Trainer, ASQ Auditor & Manager, Baldrige Assessor & AQP Team Judge, ISO (RAB), Juran Six Sigma, Quality Consultant, Team Leader, Quality Advisor etc...
  • Trained/Instructed over 8000 employees/students in Leadership, Business, Management, Organizational Behavior & Change, Quality Tools & Principles and Process Mgt. I have also worked in grades from pre-K- 16
  • Personally taken over 60 Quality and Process seminars, classes and training.

I am also a life-long learner in pursuit of "Profound Knowledge" in quality and education (still a long way to go).

Lastly, I am not a consultant!

