Tuesday, September 04, 2018

First Day of School and Michigan schools already in crisis - AGAIN!

According to analyses of national testing data, Michigan students are performing among the bottom 10 percent of states.
I have written over 160 post on education -
http://qualityg.blogspot.com/search/label/education - It's really a shame wehn everyone expects a miracle fix and that one change will cure all.

Complex problems require complex solutions. It will be interesting to see what happens when a large amount of third graders will be held back because they can't pass the "Reading" proficiency test.
More than half of Michigan students failed M-STEP literacy exam
Michigan children starting second grade this year will be the first group subject to a 2016 state law requiring students to repeat third grade if their reading performance is too low.

I walked by my children's elementary school today. 30 years ago my son started Kindergarten. I am proud to say my son and daughter both received a valuable education and both have Master's Degrees. 

My granddaughter starts Kindergarten today in the state of Washington. I know her parents value education and they both know they can not solely rely on the school to educate their daughter. I have shown my Education Triangle many times but in order for each student to be successful it ust be followed.
"In order for each student to be successful there must be an understanding and balance between the partners."
Click on Pic above to Enlarge
Educational Partnership Triangle is Developed and Owned by gmc (qualityg).