Tuesday, May 14, 2019

ENOUGH of the - China Trade/Tariff War (CTTW) - SHAME

Enough already!! Let the countries negotiators do their job. All the so-called experts on CNBC and FBN should stop giving their ridiculous opinions. All they are doing is bringing shame to the process. This includes people in the white house too that are NOT DIRECTLY involved with the negotiations.

We all know the reasons – here are two of the main ones:
1)     Protecting American Industries
China poses a major threat to American businesses, not because they were able to innovate at a faster pace, but due to the fact that they simply stole the technologies of U.S. companies, reverse engineered them, and flooded the markets with cheap knockoffs. It is estimated that China’s theft of U.S. technology costs the nation trillions of dollars every year.
2)     China’s disregard for WTO rules
The Chinese communist government is notorious for its obvious disregard of WTO rules. A few of the trade commitments they made and failed to honor include — reducing export subsidies, preventing intellectual property (IP) theft, providing foreign banks with the same treatment as national ones, and stopping the manipulation of technical standards.
So, we know the reasons and the Chinese have been told them a hundred times a day in all facets of social media. Each time influential but not experts in this matter spew their venom it only makes it harder to make a good deal for all parties involved.
I look at it this way. When a parent scolds a child because they have done something wrong it is best to come to an understanding and stick to it so learning can take place so it will not happen again. If it does happen again a good parent will make sure additional rules/repercussions are in place to reinforce the behavior.
What all the so-called experts and big mouths are doing is shaming and slamming until someone gives in (lose face) and this will not provide a lasting bond. It will only produce long-term delays and mistrust that can lead to terrible consequences.
This reminds me of a parent that makes their child stand on a street corner with a sign ridiculing and embarrassing the child for all to see. They really think this will change the behavior of the child. Whenever I see this type of bullying and shaming it makes me want to puke and call out the parent as a fool and a punk.

China gets what we want, so all you politicians, pundits and so-called experts can move on to some other ridiculous topic that main stream people don’t care about.