Sunday, January 06, 2019

Shame on You U.S. Michigan Representative Distict 13, and U.S. Senator from Utah

Straddling the City of Detroit and the western Wayne County suburbs of Garden City and Westland, Michigan's 13th Congressional District is one of the nation's poorest. 
You had a chance to make history and do some great things for your district and you blew it because of your lack of self-control and disrespect for the office of the president. You have brought shame to the people of Michigan.

Over 160,000 people voted for you last November. You talk a good game but you base your actions on speaking truth to power. You have no idea what that means and if you did you would know that impeaching the president will not happen. You come from one of the poorest districts in Michigan and the United States and you are now guaranteed you will get scraps in federal aid.

In Congress you are running a Marathon with many hurdles and you chose to run a 40 yard sprint. You did not even get out of the blocks and your race is now over.

Shame. I won't even use your name. You have convinced me how to vote in 2020.

Utah Senator...
Not even sworn in and already grandstanding. I seem to remember you asked and accepted the president's endorsement.

Very counterproductive and damaging to the people of Utah who sent you to Washington D.C. to make policy changes not squabble and waffle all over CNN. You should have made the statements (The Guts) during your senate campaign.

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