Saturday, April 06, 2019

The Border WALL requires Systems Thinking

When it comes to securing the border we should be looking at it from a systemic point of view. It has inputs and outputs and all sorts of checkpoints along the way.

Each part of the system must be measured for efficiency and effectiveness at critical points.

It is in the best interest of all countries (Parts) involved to have an equal say to come up with the best solution for all (Whole).

Trying to solve the problem between the Mexican and the United States Border will not solve the problem. Think of the Border Wall System like an assembly line. For years the auto companies put all their efforts at the end of the line after the car was built (Illegal Alien in United States). Futile effort that costs billions of dollars in wasted quality.

For every Illegal Alien that enters Mexico from one of the Central American Countries a penalty (Fine, Tariff, Aide, etc...) should be applied until they stop.

Click on PIC to ENLARGE

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