Friday, August 25, 2023

The Quality Guru (NOT) is now running for President

Perry Johnson is now running for President. Michigan businessman Perry Johnson, who has loaned his longshot campaign for president more than $8 million and in July offered donors a $10 gas card as a thank you for a $1 donation, has failed to qualify for Wednesday's first Republican presidential debate, officials said, despite his extraordinary efforts to do so. He says he will be on stage for the 2nd GOP Debate.

Johnson, a self-described “quality guru” who made millions as a consultant on quality control standards, has so far loaned his presidential campaign more than $8 million.

Johnson spent more than $7 million of his own money on a run for Michigan governor last year only to be disqualified before the primary election after signature collectors his campaign and other campaigns hired presented fraudulent signatures.

What follows are posts from 2022:

Being a student of Quality Management, Process and Systems since 1978 I was surprised at the Super Bowl ad that introduced Perry Johnson as a candidate for Michigan Governor.

The ad specifies Mr. Johnson as a Quality Guru. Mr. Johnson is best known for his work on the ISO 9000 Standards.

In 1994, I read his initial book on ISO 9000: Meeting the International Standards. I actually was certified as an ISO 9000 auditor back in the day of the 1980s and 1990s when I was certified in just about every Quality System that was known. I have written on this subject over the years and many posts are included in this Blog.

I will watch Mr. Johnson's candidacy with interest. I take the meaning (Title) of Quality Guru very seriously and it is usually bestowed upon someone who is a legend in their field and the title given by others.

I could supply list after list and the same names will appear as being known as a true Quality Guru. Interestingly, I have read, witnessed and studied every name on these lists, and I have never once seen or heard any of them call themselves a Guru. In fact, most were very humble.

 The only name I would add that is not on many lists is Dr. Russel  Ackoff.

Sorry - I do not see Mr. Johnson's name on any of the lists.

Updated March 16, 2022

Updated June 12, 2022, Quality 101 - Preventive Maintenance (PM)

It seems preventive maintenance (PM) was not part of Perry Johnson's campaign strategy. Basically, a sound "Quality" PM system must take in to account every step of the planning process from beginning to end to make sure all interdependent pasts are controlled and identified for possible problems or breakdowns.

A Republican candidate for Michigan governor lost a bid to get on the Aug. 2 primary ballot Wednesday in the first key court decision since election officials found campaign petitions rife with fraudulent signatures.

Updated July 23, 2022 - Now What?

Perry Johnson is undecided about continuing as a write-in candidate after the courts refuse to let his name on the ballot. Wow! What a "Process" Breakdown. A "Systemic" Nightmare for a quality professional.

Now What? - PUNT.... this game is over.

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