Special qualityg says thanks to Lynn Grady and Michael Barrs (I promised Michael I would take a picture & post) for the Freaky Tees. They were kind enough to send qualityg TWO shirts, one that fits just over my head and the other that fits to my butt. I guess they thought I was a Twin!
qualityg will wear one of them proudly!
Lynn & Michael work at HarperCollinsPublishers and are associated with:
Stephen and Steven
No Conformist Knowledge Here, This Book is the “Real Thing”
qualityg reads a number of books at the same time, depends what chair I’m sitting in because I usually have a different book (i.e., His Excellency, Left Behind Series, Alexander Hamilton, Text Books and Freakonomics) by each of my favorite chairs (exception – Deming books which I carry in my brief bag).
The one that has exploded some new thoughts is “Freakonomics” by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. It’s one of those books that I read in two sittings. Having always been intrigued with economist and their ability to predict the stock market and economy like an average weatherman, this book and authors comes from a completely new angle and wit that captures your interest and clears your senses of all the muddle that is usually found in books about Economics. You know qualityg loves a creative rogue.
Don’t get me wrong about Economist, my son is studying to be one now and is making great strides in school and work because he has a passion for studying data and making sense of what it all that stuff means. I also bought a copy for him and he loves the book too! Imagine father and son liking the same kind of book.
On page 120 the authors give a number of explanations as to why crime has dropped. The reader is asked to pick the ones (I chose three) that have merit; only three are truly factors (qg got one). You will have to buy the book to understand the reasoning.
Important Note: I hope that every city official in the United States reads Chapter 4 “Where Have All the Criminals Gone?” Please do NOT cut any more police from your budget!
For more information about Freakonomics please visit the following site:
More books by Stephen Dubner @