Sunday, December 15, 2019

Enough - NVFI - No Vote for Incumbent in 2020 and 2022 - California and New York do NOT represent me!

Updated December 10, 2019 - After watching the House Proceedings for the past months I have come to the conclusion I Will NOT be voting for any incumbent, Furthermore I will not support people who come from New York and especially California. They do not run the country. They are pompous liars who only want to retain their own power. They do not represent me and I am disgusted by the politicians in my state of Michigan who kowtow and follow in step and do whatever they say. Now you know why we must have the "Electoral College". In fact, I wish California would become it's own country.
From left House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) , Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee Maxine Waters, D-Calif., Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., Chairwoman of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. Adam Schiff (D-Calif)

July 2019
I have come to the conclusion that I will not vote for any incumbent (NVFI) regardless of the party for any congressional or senate seat in my state and for federal elections in 2020 and 2022.

The only way I will change my mind is if the parties come together and pass legislation that benefits the country. For example; Unites States Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), Lower Drug Prices, Immigration (I support "LEGAL" Immigration) and Infrastructure. If a China accord can be reached that too shall be needed for the country.

I would like a movement to start for others to follow my lead. The people in current positions do not deserve to be there especially at the Federal level in Washington. I am disgusted that people don't have the guts or common sense to call out the senseless fighting that continues. This is not political fighting. It is personal and it can only lead in disaster for the country for years to come.

Friday, November 08, 2019

As you can see by the amount of posts on Autism Spectrum Disorder and the fact I have been posting about it since 2005 it continues to play an important part in my life.

Many of the children I worked with years ago are now graduated from high school and many are attending college.

I have always felt the best resource for Special Needs Education for students and parents is:

Wrightslaw provides valuable information and knowledge on continuing higher education at

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network has a free download "Navigating College Handbook"

Here is a good article on choosing the right college and some potential choices:

Another good resource:

Want Some Books:

Sunday, August 25, 2019

"The Mule" should be "The Ass"

I recently watched on HBO the Clint Eastwood movie called "The Mule." I have always enjoyed Clint Eastwood since his Rawhide days as Rowdy Yates. I even own a boxed collection of his movies.
Eastwood’s movie The Mule is based on a New York Times article that detailed the true story of a World War II veteran named Leo Sharp. When he was nearly in his 80’s, Sharp became a drug courier for the infamous Sinaloa Cartel. Sharp’s path to drug running was a strange, unusual, and emotional one.
Unfortunately, I found this movie to be a farce. The movie leads the viewer to feel somewhat sorry for the old guy and his family. It would be much more fact based if Eastwood played the character true to his form as a conniving, louse who cared about nobody but himself who tried to justify his illegal activities by helping out his family and community with drug money.
What about the families and communities of all the people affected by the drugs this guy delivered into the streets of Middle America (Especially the Metro Detroit)? I know four families who lost sons to the drugs directly linked to the Sinaloa Cartel that supplied the drugs to Leo Sharp (Eastwood) and the Detroit Drug Dealers. 
It’s such a shame these people show no remorse for the damage they do to others. They think by funding (Laundering) legitimate businesses like auto shops and day care centers that they are doing their fair share for society. 
They should rename the movie to “The Ass” because that is what Eastwood is for directing and taking on this role. He could have made the movie one of his best if he would have taken the time to learn the whole story and not just do a picture about an old guy that he could portray.

I liked him better with two mules. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

ENOUGH of the - China Trade/Tariff War (CTTW) - SHAME

Enough already!! Let the countries negotiators do their job. All the so-called experts on CNBC and FBN should stop giving their ridiculous opinions. All they are doing is bringing shame to the process. This includes people in the white house too that are NOT DIRECTLY involved with the negotiations.

We all know the reasons – here are two of the main ones:
1)     Protecting American Industries
China poses a major threat to American businesses, not because they were able to innovate at a faster pace, but due to the fact that they simply stole the technologies of U.S. companies, reverse engineered them, and flooded the markets with cheap knockoffs. It is estimated that China’s theft of U.S. technology costs the nation trillions of dollars every year.
2)     China’s disregard for WTO rules
The Chinese communist government is notorious for its obvious disregard of WTO rules. A few of the trade commitments they made and failed to honor include — reducing export subsidies, preventing intellectual property (IP) theft, providing foreign banks with the same treatment as national ones, and stopping the manipulation of technical standards.
So, we know the reasons and the Chinese have been told them a hundred times a day in all facets of social media. Each time influential but not experts in this matter spew their venom it only makes it harder to make a good deal for all parties involved.
I look at it this way. When a parent scolds a child because they have done something wrong it is best to come to an understanding and stick to it so learning can take place so it will not happen again. If it does happen again a good parent will make sure additional rules/repercussions are in place to reinforce the behavior.
What all the so-called experts and big mouths are doing is shaming and slamming until someone gives in (lose face) and this will not provide a lasting bond. It will only produce long-term delays and mistrust that can lead to terrible consequences.
This reminds me of a parent that makes their child stand on a street corner with a sign ridiculing and embarrassing the child for all to see. They really think this will change the behavior of the child. Whenever I see this type of bullying and shaming it makes me want to puke and call out the parent as a fool and a punk.

China gets what we want, so all you politicians, pundits and so-called experts can move on to some other ridiculous topic that main stream people don’t care about.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Earth Day 4/22/19

I always liked this poem by Walt Whitman -
 Appropriate for Earth Day

Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown, or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons, and with the young, and with the mothers or families, re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul; and your very flesh shall be a great poem.... ~ Walt Whitman ~ (from the Preface to Leaves of Grass, 1855)

Earth Day Video and plant a tree! qg


Here are some cool songs related to Earth Day -


Six years ago I planted a Washington Hawthorn Sampling I ordered from the Arbor Day Foundation. It looked something (smaller) like this when I pulled it out of a regular size mailing envelop:

Last year I took a picture and I'm proud to show it has grown wonderfully!!

Happy Birthday Dano!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Reduce National Debt - Look at College Endowments!

Reduce National Debt - Stop giving Federal and State Dollars to schools that have over 1 Billion Dollars in Endowments.

Why do Schools with Endowments of over a Billion Dollars still get Federal and State Tax Dollars. On top of that they keep increasing tuition each year. Take Yale as an example. It has one of the biggest endowments and it gets the most in federal dollars.
This is ridiculous and in a time of Income Inequality why are we not using those Federal and State Dollars to help reduce the National and State Debts that are in crisis mode.

Over 100 Universities have over a Billion Dollars in Endowments. I'm not against Endowments, but you don't need additional funding to keep raising tuition and increasing student debt.

Please remember, lowering taxes does not cause the national debt to increase. It is Government Spending that causes the National Debt to increase!

Saturday, April 06, 2019

The Border WALL requires Systems Thinking

When it comes to securing the border we should be looking at it from a systemic point of view. It has inputs and outputs and all sorts of checkpoints along the way.

Each part of the system must be measured for efficiency and effectiveness at critical points.

It is in the best interest of all countries (Parts) involved to have an equal say to come up with the best solution for all (Whole).

Trying to solve the problem between the Mexican and the United States Border will not solve the problem. Think of the Border Wall System like an assembly line. For years the auto companies put all their efforts at the end of the line after the car was built (Illegal Alien in United States). Futile effort that costs billions of dollars in wasted quality.

For every Illegal Alien that enters Mexico from one of the Central American Countries a penalty (Fine, Tariff, Aide, etc...) should be applied until they stop.

Click on PIC to ENLARGE

Tuesday, April 02, 2019

April 2nd is World Autism Awareness Day

While sitting in a surgical waiting room this morning I saw this video 

And, I wanted to share the Centria Web Site - 

Click link below for all my posts on Autism over the years.
or on the ASD Label (Left Sidebar) for more of my posts on Autism.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Lower Voting Age to 16!

Hearing Speaker Pelosi make this comment reminded me of when they lowered the drinking age in 1971. 
In 1971, Michigan lowered the drinking age to 18 years old. I was a senior in high school and like many of my friends we thought it was correct because we could drive, vote and get drafted and go to Vietnam. We figured if we could die for our country we could drink.
Late 1960s and 1970s: Drinking age lowered. During the late 1960s and 1970s, nearly all states lowered the drinking age to 18. This led to a huge increase in alcohol-related car accidents and drunk driving was deemed a public health crisis. In the mid-1970s, 60 percent of all traffic fatalities were alcohol related, according to the National Institute of Health(NIH). Over two-thirds of car accidents involving persons aged 16 to 20 were alcohol-related.
It was a terrible decision to allow drinking at 18. We no longer had to drive to Ohio for 3.2 beer. We no longer had to wait around beer stores waiting for someone buy for us while we hoped they did not run off with our money. 
During lunch hour we were allowed to leave campus and we went to the bar for lunch or bought a GIQ beer and drove around eating our sandwiches. Every Friday night after games we were in a local bar, then drove home or to a friend’s house. 
Perhaps we were old enough to fight in Vietnam but we were not mature enough to drink. The Military could handle 18-year-old drinkers but society could not. The main reason they lowered the age was to get a vote, pure and simple!
In 1984, President Reagan changed the law back to 21.
And now… it is happening again - 
"I, myself, personally -- I'm not speaking for my caucus -- I, myself, have always been for lowering the voting age to 16," Pelosi said. "I think it's really important to capture kids when they're in high school, when they're interested in all of this, when they're learning about the government, to be able to vote."
I’m sorry but a vote is a privilege that comes with being an adult. I do not consider high school children adults. I don’t care if they work and pay taxes at 16. 
Pelosi (and others) also want to give Illegal Aliens the right to vote. In most countries, suffrage, the right to vote, is generally limited to citizens of the country. Some countries, however, extend voting rights to resident non-citizens. Such voting rights extended to non-citizens are often restricted or limited in some ways, with the details of the restrictions or limitations varying from one country to another. I can’t vote in other countries so why should I expect others to vote in mine. Again, it’s about the vote.
One area of the brain that experiences the most rapid changes during teenage years is the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain involved in judgment and decision making. Thus, teens are biologically more likely to have lapses in judgment. In other words, they have not lived long enough to experience life without being swayed by others or have the capacity to understand they are being used.
Electoral College – 
Pete Buttigieg and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, both of whom are running to unseat President Trump in 2020, want to see an end to the Electoral College. Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke said Tuesday he sees "a lot of wisdom" in the idea.

Sorry - I do not want New York, California, Texas or Florida picking who will be the President of the UNITED STATES. Yes, United States, not the states with the greatest number of people. You pick your own governor’s and that is fine by the popular vote. 
If you want the popular vote to rule who will be president then I want the territorial boundaries of each state redrawn so that population and where people live will be divided by 50 so that everyone as an equal chance. Sounds ridiculous, Yes, so does allowing the bigger states to rule.
Supreme Court – No comment see above

DO they not see what is going on? If you can't win by the rules, change them until you do win. 

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

"Fix the Damn Roads" - It's no longer Cute!

I watched three newscast yesterday on different channels and I must have heard that "Fix the Damn Roads" phrase a dozen times. It’s no longer “Cute” Governor Whitmer. I’m really tired of hearing you say that phrase. I’m sure all the youngsters in Michigan will now start adding “Damn” to their everyday vocabulary. I suppose the increase spending in your budget for literacy will cover the costs.
The budget recommendation also provides for an expansion of the Great Start Readiness Program in the amount of $85 million, making preschool programs available to more students across the state and improving the programs in place today. The budget plan also jumpstarts early literacy initiatives with an investment of $24.5 million to triple the number of state-funded literacy coaches in schools.

I thought teachers taught literacy?
Now that she's in office, the question about whether she can “fix the damn roads,” as she boldly announced in her political ads seems to have hit a huge POTHOLE!
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's first executive budget will propose phasing in a 45-cent per-gallon fuel tax increase to "fix the damn roads."
Whitmer sidestepped a question about how to fix the roads without raising taxes but said she's open to ideas on how to improve road conditions in the state, including the possibility of a toll road — although she said out-of-state travel into Michigan is not common like other states that have toll roads.
"I never dreamed in a million years I'd be known as the fix-the-damn-roads lady," she said to laughter. "We're going to fix the damn roads, but I've got to acknowledge that it's going to take a little while."
What about the Pension Tax? 
Michigan lawmakers take first step to repeal tax on pensions.
This is going to be interesting to see how she juggles all these campaign pledges.

Friday, January 18, 2019

U.S. Government Officials - Take your Ball and Go Home!

United States Government officials are disgraceful.

I’m really disappointed and tired of your antics. All you do is supply fodder for the media outlets to report juvenile behavior. Any television channel I turn to and see a panel of so called experts giving their one-sided opinions make me sick.

Where do the networks get all these so-called experts? In all honesty I try to watch but I have to turn off the station after a minute or less because it's the same hateful OPINIONATED views by the same people.  Just because someone had/has a title does not make them an expert.

You politicians just don’t get it. What you remind me of when I was growing up and there was a dispute or people did not get their way the little sissies and milquetoasts would refuse to play and go sit in a corner or go home and pout to Mommy. The “REAL” stand-up folks would play the game even if they did not like their teammates in order to win the game. You still did what was right and settled your disputes in a number of ways until you figured out the best solution for the whole. We left our differences aside for the game and went back to not liking each other after the game was over.

The situation here is the United States. You spineless punks are the players and should be on the same side. In order to win as a whole you must first have cooperation before competition. 

I understand the different philosophies about how to do the best job but you are doing nothing but tearing the country apart for your own personal vendetta.

I'm telling you I can not remember when I've been so disgusted about the people running MY Country. Why don't you all just go home and suck your thumbs. The biggest bunch of babies and brats I have ever seen. No one has the guts to stand up for the people. Oh sure, each time they speak they say they are for their constituents but they follow the part line whether it's right or wrong.
So many Hypocrites and Losers who could never make it in the real world. I was never much in favor of Term-Limits but career politicians must leave and get a real job. Unfortunately, many of them have made so much money in politics they never have to work again in the real world.
Do you really think the politicians care how much money people are losing because of the shutdown. They can't know what they have never experienced.

Sunday, January 06, 2019

Shame on You U.S. Michigan Representative Distict 13, and U.S. Senator from Utah

Straddling the City of Detroit and the western Wayne County suburbs of Garden City and Westland, Michigan's 13th Congressional District is one of the nation's poorest. 
You had a chance to make history and do some great things for your district and you blew it because of your lack of self-control and disrespect for the office of the president. You have brought shame to the people of Michigan.

Over 160,000 people voted for you last November. You talk a good game but you base your actions on speaking truth to power. You have no idea what that means and if you did you would know that impeaching the president will not happen. You come from one of the poorest districts in Michigan and the United States and you are now guaranteed you will get scraps in federal aid.

In Congress you are running a Marathon with many hurdles and you chose to run a 40 yard sprint. You did not even get out of the blocks and your race is now over.

Shame. I won't even use your name. You have convinced me how to vote in 2020.

Utah Senator...
Not even sworn in and already grandstanding. I seem to remember you asked and accepted the president's endorsement.

Very counterproductive and damaging to the people of Utah who sent you to Washington D.C. to make policy changes not squabble and waffle all over CNN. You should have made the statements (The Guts) during your senate campaign.

Thursday, January 03, 2019

U.S. National Debt - Who has the GUTS to speak out and actually do someting!!

No politician wants to "seriously" talk about the national debt. No politician wants to cut spending. They want the quick fix by raising taxes which hurt the middle and lower wage earners.

For once I hope a politician will come forward and concentrate on this national problem that continues to grow by the second...
Want to know who really is going to pay for all this?

Yep, your grandkids and mine.