Sunday, August 11, 2024

Welcome the children back to school with a smile!

School begins this week in some school districts with the majority starting after Labor Day. I wanted to repost a few articles from the past that are so relevant now since the Covid Pandemic continues to affect our school aged children, especially the younger ones. Our education system is broken and under attack by many who do not have the children's best interest at heart, especially the younger ones.

In 2015 I started working as an educational team leader for grades K-2. I chose those grade levels because it provides me the opportunity to help mold and create young students as they begin their educational journeys.  I have found how important and “simple” it is to start their day out with a smile/greeting. 

K-2 Educational Team Leader Credo
I believe it is very important to greet students with a smile and kind word first thing in the morning in the grade school cafeteria (This is where they get dropped off for school before the bell rings) as they start their school day. In many situations it might be the only greeting/smile they receive all day. Students appreciate and respond to settings where they feel welcome. Students who feel more welcome are more likely to seek out my help or others when needed (In today’s dysfunctional families this happens frequently). 

By greeting students (Added plus – learn their names) at the door as they enter school or classroom, you can see and prevent potential problems. Correcting potential problems in the cafeteria (school provided meals) before school starts may help a student enter their first class free of stress or take out frustrated energy in the gym or even carry it all day to their home. Recognizing a potential problem and preventing it is critical to the overall success of the student, their teachers, fellow classmates and the school.

I was very fortunate to have worked with some truly remarkable teachers. Their dedication and passion for what they did was outstanding. 
Note: To a “Systems Thinker” this is building/designing quality upfront in the process. It is where the potential for failure and defects are their most dangerous (If unchecked continue to grow) but they are almost always the easiest (Cheapest) way to prevent/fix problems.
Over the years I always try and observe and learn what makes a good teacher. One of the measures by which I make my conclusion is how well the class learns and just as important how well it behaves and respects all (Teacher, Students) within the room.

If I find that 95% of the students follow this conclusion, I know there is a good teacher at the helm. I know when I have found a “Great” teacher when there is a substitute teacher and 90% of the students follow my conclusion because their regular teacher has instilled the pride and learning so that whoever is in the room, they give their attention out of respect for their regular teacher.

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