Tuesday, December 12, 2017

ASD - The College Years

As you can see by the amount of posts on Autism Spectrum Disorder and the fact I have been posting about it since 2005 it continues to play an important part in my life.

Many of the children I worked with years ago are now graduated from high school and many are attending college.

I have always felt the best resource for Special Needs Education for students and parents is:

Wrightslaw provides valuable information and knowledge on continuing higher education at

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network has a free download "Navigating College Handbook"

Here is a good article on choosing the right college and some potential choices:

Another good resource:

Want Some Books:

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Michigan’s education system for counselors needs a Transformation - Updated 11/8/17

Updated 11/8/17 - New focus on college and career planning.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder on Wednesday signed legislation - House Bill 4181 - that targets the 150 hours of professional development counselors must undertake in order to renew their license.
At least 25 of those hours must cover instruction on improving the college preparation and selection process, and another 25 hours must be on career counseling.

This is good but as I have said before the focus must for college and career planning must be systemic and start in 8th grade and run through 12th grade with as many meetings as possible - See Campbell Dream Mentor Program (http://qualityg.blogspot.com/2009/02/mentor-program-for-high-school.html. In Addition, without including parents in the planning and meetings it will still miss the mark because parents make the final decision and often it is based on finances available (That is why students and parents must be educated on the college process starting in 8th grade).


The Michigan legislature has a House Bill that 4552 that will provide much needed training in the area of college and career planning for school counselors.

While the idea for this is valid and much needed it still misses the systemic problem that continues to plague our education system. "Changing or Reforming" current practices with additional training and dollars will not solve systemic problems.

I have been working in the area of college and career planing within and outside of schools for the past 14 years. Changes that result in improvement must come from outside the system. I am from outside the counseling system.

"In order for each student to be successful there must be an understanding and balance between the partners."

Click on Pic to Enlarge

I have been using the "Quality Educational Partnership Triangle" since 2004. It comes in handy when I talk to teachers and most importantly when I talk to parents about education and what is need to help their child succeed in school and get ready for college and career planning. All groups must be working together for the student to be successful. If one corner of the triangle fails the percentage of the student to be successful falls at an alarming rate based on my years of meeting with thousands of students and parents.

It is a very simple concept that relies on each corner (Administrators,  Parents, and Teachers) of the triangle to be working together interdependently. The main three groups of the triangle are revolving around the student rather than teachers, parents or administrators.

The key ingredient is to work with the decision makers and the person(s) who will be paying for college. In most cases it is the parent/guardian of the student. This must start in 9th grade and become a bond until the student graduates.

The "Transformation" must take place with each schools Counselor Office. No longer can excuses like not enough time, resources or money be used not to be doing college and career readiness planning starting in eight/ninth grade. I have done it and what's need most is planning with measures and the mindset to meet with parents and students before, during and after school on their time frame - not the schools. School leadership must work with counselors o prioritize their work functions. Many school administrators have no idea by what methods or processes their staff does day in and day out. The following article provides some insight:

Counselors can no longer work the standard way within the confides of a normal school day. Each process and work activity must be analyzed for process improvements and priority of what matters most to the student and parent.

Parents and students are the customers and they must be treated as such. This means opening your school (business) to when it make most sense to meet with them. I meet with parents on their time which includes nights and weekends. The meetings can happen as many times as necessary and most often followed up with phone calls and emails (All answered with 12-24 hours). The meeting(s) can last up to four hours with training that goes through the college process and website training that includes all the information at their fingertips. The key is providing the parents with the skills and  knowledge to help their student. THEY DON"T KNOW HOW! And, many counselors do not know how to help them.

I applaud House Bill 4552 but it will not work without the systemic changes required within the school system.

Over the years I have tried to "FREELY" share my findings, website and application of knowledge to many educators, administrators, colleges, state officials and newspaper editors and educational writers. None have been interested.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Enough Already ! C'Mon - Dr. Seuss!! Update 10/11/17 - NFL Protest

Image result for sports anchors neil and
Each day now brings me to say Enough Already - C'Mon ...

10/1 /17
Enough Already ! C'Mon - Dr. Seuss!!

I can hardly watch any national cable news station or major networks anymore even when I am trying to learn more about the devastating storms, terror or sports. Every topic/segment is being politicized, radicalized, and just plain poor biased opinionated reporting by all political sides. It's really disgusting, divisive and just wrong.

The only sports shows I like are with Neil Everett and Stan Verrett from Late Night ESPN Sports Center. I also enjoy Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.

The anchors on the major cable news networks ( Especially CNN Morning News) use their voices and facial expressions when someone does not agree with their loaded questions and sarcastic tones.

Because so much of this trash reporting is on TV and Internet News people hide behind their keyboards and social media and say things that really show their colors. Perhaps this is good in a sense but people are swayed in to thinking it is true just because someone says it is true or false.

Last week I heard about the librarian who turned the books (Dr. Seuss)  the first lady sent out across the country in to a racially and politically motivated  stance that is just plain wrong.

While reading the Sunday Detroit Free Press this morning columnist Mitch Albom wrote a column that really tells the librarian how she should have handled the situation. I loved the part about the librarian herself participated in a Dr, Seuss birthday activity just a few years ago.

Here is the column -

Heck each year while I worked in education I would read Dr. Seuss books to our kindergartners.

Updated 10/11/17

Enough Already - C'Mon - NFL Players Protest!!

This has totally got out of hand. In my humble opinion this is not a First Amendment Issue. It is a Work Place Issue. In order for the 1st amendment to apply there must be a government party on one side and a private person/group on the other side.The last time I looked the NFL Teams are owned by individuals or corporations. Being owners they establish the rules for their workplace (Has anyone looked at their manuals/policy for players regarding the National Anthem). If the owners don't have the sense (Guts) to establish consistent rules/policies then they are adding to the "Demise of the American Workplace." Poor leadership is at the root cause of this problem.

In addition, it is NOT the place of government to dictate what the rules should be for the NFL. This only adds layers of confusion about the First Amendment Rights.

I have worked for a number of private and public companies to know if I protested during my work hours (Especially on company property) for something that was not approved by my boss(es) I would would probably have been fired. If it were after hours or the weekend I might be safe to protest as long as I did not break the law. However, I still must remember I represent my company at all times and I again risk the peril of being fired or reprimanded. It is a personal choice.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

President Trump is a counter puncher – Sorry - Nope - No Way! - Updated NFL

Updated - September 24, 2017

C’mon, - this is ridiculous - No counter punching here just a wild Haymaker hoping to land but it did nothing but destroy yourself. 

The “sons of bitches” who knelt for the national anthem should be fired.
Why do you need to be so divisive?” This would have gone its way and was already petering out with just a small amount showing their disapproval.

As President there are “way” too important issues facing our country that you are trying to accomplish. I want Obama Care replaced. I want Tax Reform, I want a stronger immigration policy against those who have committed crimes and I certainly want North Korea to stop shooting missiles.

Instead of trying to unite democrats and republicans you taunt. Instead of letting a diplomatic solution take place with your cabinet people you taunt the ones they need to negotiate with for settlement.

You make everyone’s jobs harder and that is just not good!!!

I always remember a few lines from the movie Braveheart:
Robert the Bruce: Now you've achieved more than anyone ever dreamed, but fighting these odds it looks like rage, not courage.
William: It's well beyond rage. Help me. In the name of Christ help yourselves! Now is our chance, now! If we join, we can win. If we win, well then we'll have what none of us have ever had before; a country of our own. You are the rightful leader and there is strength in you. I see it. Unite us. Unite us. Unite the clans!

You are the rightful President –Unite us as a country – you have a chance to do great things but all you do is throw barriers in your own way.

August 18, 2017,

I have heard this statement time and time again referring to President Trump. Trumpnocounterpuncher

People make this statement (Boxing Reference) because they feel every time President Trump is criticized he fires back with both barrels at the attacker. This is not counter punching this is just stupid. Why? Because it is a reaction that has not been thought out or is based on any experience other than a reflex action responding to a threat. In fact, it leaves you open for a counter-punch.

I have been involved with Boxing for over 55 years and a good counter puncher is one who has a plan and a sense of purpose in trapping their opponent by making him miss and then going on the attack. He is the patient boxer that simply stands there waiting for you to make the first move. For every punch that you throw, he has the perfect answer. He relies on the opponent's own aggression to draw him into a perfectly set trap.

Successful boxers who use this style must have great reflexes, ring intelligence, punch precision and excellent hand speed. Willie Pep, Archie Moore, Muhammad Ali and Floyd Mayweather are all great examples of great counter punchers.

President Trump you are being counter punched by the idiot pundits and news agencies. So what should you do? You beat a counter puncher by out thinking your opponent.  Counter punchers sit back and wait for you to throw the first punch. Their goal is to exploit any openings in your attack. You need to develop a systems thinking persona and consider the whole (How will my response affect others) instead of just the piece (Personal attack).

It takes time and experience to become a good fighter and I believe the same for being a good political fighter. President Trump is new to this arena and needs to rely on his political aides who have experience until he learns the ropes. 

If he can remain patient and learn -  he will then be a force to reckon with -  but for now he is just a punching bag.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

Should we use Letter Grades for Students? It depends.

Whether we use a grading system for students in education or rate and or rank employees is always a lively discussion. Over the years I have had many in both a business and education setting and I must say my thinking was usually in the minority even though I’m Right (Ha). Here are two examples:

One of my former students who is now a teacher asked what I thought was the purpose of grades.  I simply answered that grades are usually a result of some sort of testing procedure. So rather than label a student as a failure, average or success I responded that the grade was to provide me as the instructor how well I did in transferring knowledge to the student(s). So it is my evaluation in question not the student.  I need to use the results as to determine which student needs help and to what degree based on the letter grade.

I have written many posts over the years http://qualityg.blogspot.com/search?q=ranking&max-results=20&by-date=true about ranking and rating employees. Never believed in it and probably never will. There is too much variation between employees and the environmental conditions that go in to one’s job (Even if they are the same) that cannot accurately predict the outcome. It is leadership's job to know their employees talents, wants and needs in order provide them a job that will instill pride of workmanship. Rating and Ranking concentrates too much on documenting failures and mishaps as opposed to proving the tools and knowledge to do the job correctly so that he/she can succeed or move the employee to a job that matches their talents.

OUTCOME! That is the key that most people fail to see. We use students and employees as the outcomes (Scapegoats) when they are the product of the system/process. We want to fire or lay-off employees when a company fails when in fact it’s the system or process that determine the outcome. In schools we want to label or demote students and blame teachers for the failure of the system/process.

We want to uses employees and students as the end-result indicators when in fact they are the value-added inputs in each and every process/system. Yes, we need to monitor and measure employees and students but not for pass/fail we need to monitor and measure to help the overall process get better and to provide them with a sense of purpose.

We used to call this inspecting quality at the end of the line after the product is finished/produced. Amazing we still have this mind-set when it comes to students/employees.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Alexander Hamilton - "America's First Systems Thinker"

In order to understand what I propose it is first best to define "Systems Thinking."

I believe Dr. Russel Ackoff provided the best definitions and explanations for "Systems Thinking."

·         System - a system is a whole which is defined by its function in a larger system of which it's a part
  •   Every system is contained in a larger system
  •    Its role or function in that system is what defines it
  •    For a system to perform its function it has essential parts
  •                        Essential parts are necessary for the system to perform its function but not sufficient
  •                        Implies that an essential property of a system is that it can not be divided into independent parts.
  •                       Its properties derive out of the interaction of its parts and not the actions of its parts taken separately.
  •      If you apply analysis to a system you take it apart and it loses all its essential properties, and so do its parts.
  •      A system is never the sum of its parts. It is the product of the interactions of its parts.

In my opinion Alexander Hamilton saw the United States as a whole (Central Government, National Currency, National Bank, Three Branches of Govt.) and not the individual parts (States, State Currency, Excessive States Rights (AH believed they should have many rights). If it were left up to many of our Founding Father's wishes we would have separate countries and the United States would be more like Europe. 

His ideas on combing the national debt united the country for the benefit of the whole and not the individual few (States). 

It is often said that changes that results in lasting improvement come from the outside. People too close to a situation can not let go of their biases (Like many of the founding fathers from Virginia and Massachusetts). 

Hamilton was not born in the United States and thus owned no allegiance to any particular state. (island of Nevis). He saw the country as a whole and united it would always be superior to the sum of it's parts.

Today our government is about the parts and individual biases of the democratic and republican parties. What a shame and embarrassment you people are to the common people.

INDIVISIBLE! - No greater word in our pledge of allegiance.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

Heed These Words...

Democrats and Republicans and all else in between. Heed these words...

 Without changing our pattern of thought, we will not be able to solve the problems we created with our current patterns of thought - Albert Einstein

Image result for Deming believed profound knowledge
Dr. Deming taught that profound knowledge generally comes from outside the system and is only useful if it is accepted and received with an enthusiasm to learn and improve. A system cannot understand itself without help from outside the system, because previous experiences will stifle objectivity, preventing vital analysis of the organization (i.e, Government). Serious self-examination is difficult without impartial analysis from outside the organization.

Perhaps Newt Gingrich can explain to the Washington Bureaucrats...

Updated - 6/1/17

I'm reading a new book (Highly Recommend) about the teachings of Dr. Deming by Edward Martin Baker, one of Dr. Deming's most valued associates, Mr.  Baker shares his deep understanding of Dr. Deming's System of Profound Knowledge. https://www.amazon.com/Symphony-Profound-Knowledge-Edward-Martin/dp/1532002394

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Secretary DeVos Calls for ‘Transformation’ of America’s ‘Closed and Antiquated Education System’

On January 23rd 2017 I posted the following:

Secretary DeVos - "What Gets Planned, and Measured, Gets Done" - Time for Transformation

Today May 23rd I read the following:

Secretary DeVos: America Must Transform Education to Serve the Needs of Individual Students

I read the Secretary's speech with great interest. In my opinion she makes some great points and observations about our current education system. The key word is "System." In my January post I bolded and highlighted "Please make sure you support yourself with team leaders who understand systems thinking."

In order for the transformation to have a chance one must understand that within any system there are inputs and outputs. Secretary DeVos states that:

"If we really want to help students, then we need to focus everything about education on individual students – funding, supporting and investing in them. Not in buildings; not in systems."

"Education should reward outcomes, not inputs."

Please understand the "STUDENT" is the input and the output as he/she travels through the education system. 

Perhaps the following diagram will help - it is needed to be understood in order for a transformation to take place.

CLICK on Pic to ENLARGE Model

NOTE: I can't help but believe based on my many years of trying to be a "change agent (transformational in in some areas)" in both business and education is to make sure that all those involved are not to feel bad about what was previously done. So - Secretary DeVos please go forward with fresh ideas, new theories and probable solutions that are not based on what people/workers will perceive as their fault for the current situation. Criticism and blame will result in a battle at every step of the transformation and it will fail. Perhaps others in the current administration should also heed this advice.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

- Earth Day - 4/22/17

I always liked this poem by Walt Whitman -
 Appropriate for Earth Day

Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown, or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons, and with the young, and with the mothers or families, re-examine all you have been told in school or church or in any book, and dismiss whatever insults your own soul; and your very flesh shall be a great poem.... ~ Walt Whitman ~ (from the Preface to Leaves of Grass, 1855)


Earth Day Video and plant a tree! qg

Here are some cool songs related to Earth Day -http://ultimateclassicrock.com/earth-day-songs/


Six years ago I planted a Washington Hawthorn Sampling I ordered from the Arbor Day Foundation. It looked something (smaller) like this when I pulled it out of a regular size mailing envelop:

Last year I took a picture and I'm proud to show it has grown wonderfully!!

Happy Birthday Dano!

Monday, April 03, 2017

Numbers do lie, they do dance and they do often mislead. Yes they DO!

Let me provide some wisdom provided by Dr. W. Edwards Deming on this subject – “Dr. Deming spoke of 3 ways to improve (Does not imply "good") the figures: distort the data, distort the system and improve the system. Improving the system is the most difficult.” 

Following is a prime example of distorting the data: High Schools

Here is a statement from a local high school (Many do this to attract parents to their school):
"In the past five years, our graduates earned over $20 million in scholarships."
OK – I know for a fact this school averages around 100 students that graduate per year. I’m not a math wizard and I’m not making these numbers dance but this statement would mean 20 million divided by 500 = $40,000 per student.
What this really means is the old Pareto Principle at work - The Pareto Principle is very simple, yet very important. It is named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who, in 1906, found that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population.
What was most important about Pareto’s finding was that this 80/20 distribution occurs extremely frequently. For example, in general, 20% of your customers represent 80% of your sales.
In the scholarship numbers used by many high schools this really means your top ten students are getting offers from multiple schools to attend and get scholarship dollars. Let’s say I apply to 5 colleges and they each offer me a full ride equaling $60,000. The school will now put in $300,000 in the pot. I can only go to one school the actual scholarship dollars are $60,000. So if you really want to know the numbers ask the counselor to be specific and show you the scholarship winner and the schools they are to attend. I guarantee you it will be a much smaller number.

Following is a prime example of distorting the system: Wells Fargo

The phony accounts earned the bank unwarranted fees and allowed Wells Fargo employees to boost their sales figures and make more money.

"Wells Fargo employees secretly opened unauthorized accounts to hit sales targets and receive bonuses," Richard Cordray, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, said in a statement.


Whom do you blame? Management owns the system and sets the policies. Employees follow these rules in order to save their jobs or to make more money. It all comes down to the dangers of Management By Objectives (MBO), Quotas and Rating and Raking. I have posted about this numerous times since 2005. http://qualityg.blogspot.com/search?q=Ratings

There are so many examples day in and day out. The most popular today is “FAKE NEWS.” Everyone is distorting the facts to gain viewer and readership and this is very dangerous. Social Media only compounds the problem.

Dr. Deming wrote about these dangers/diseases many years ago and people continue to abuse them:

Dr. Deming did not just tell about the diseases he provided a prescription for preventing (not fixing) them. We would all do well to take a good dose of learning and applying these concepts.

Oh - by the way - I DO realize numbers don't actually lie it's the people manipulating them for their own gain or protection.

Monday, March 06, 2017

ESSA - State of Michigan seeks comments on proposed educational changes

The Michigan Department of Education is seeking public comment on the new proposed ESSA standards that gives schools letter grades (A-F) for success.

On December 10, 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), reauthorizing the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and replacing the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the 2001 reauthorization of ESEA.
Michigan’s ESSA plan is drafted and open for public comment through March 16, 2017. 

Here is my Email and Comments:

Thank you for asking for Public Comments to the new ESSA Legislation proposed for the state of Michigan.

I have commented over the years on various initiatives the state has proposed but never heard back from one source. Perhaps my comments are not worthy but I will try again from and end-to-end perspective. Basically this means from a "Systems Thinker Perspective." 

My background is both in business and education. I retired from the telecommunications industry where I held a number of Quality related positions. I have been a national director for quality and process improvement, certified auditor, manager and instructor. I have also been a part-time instructor in college as well as an administrator and mentor in a K-12 school.

With so much high level detail in the 153 page document which I have read twice a couple if things jump out at me that I would like to comment (2) on that I hope will be taken in to account.

Overall, I like the concept but implementation is the key and the who and the what are identified but the "How (By What Method)" is where success will lead to failure if not done properly. There is much written about results but not process. Explained below.

I am pleased by the the amount of detail written about the needs of having good teachers and the on-going support required to keep them skilled, excited and hopefully retained for a long period of time.

Concern # 1 -  There is no mention of how are teachers are trained - by this I mean - Who trains/create our teachers? Michigan creates an  "Educator Preparation Institution (EPI) Performance Score Report" - http://www.michigan.gov/documents/mde/2016_EPI_Overall_Score_536193_7.PDF
but I see no mention of it as it relates to this study.

How can there not be a correlation to the suppliers of our most needed resource (Teachers/Principals) to the success of our educational system. Clearly, the number of schools that exceed the "Met Score (Results)" do not translate in to the number of ineffective schools/teachers we have according to the numbers in the state's reports/findings. Nobody wants to take on and really hold the colleges/universities to a higher standard - What a shame.Colleges should not be telling K-12 schools how and what to train. It should be K-12 telling colleges what they need and them doing it or they will no longer higher any of their teachers (Products).

I propose giving the higher level institutions letter grades too as a means to rate their effectiveness for preparing/supplying educators. If you do not correct the upstream process the results will remain the same regardless of the changes you propose in grades K-12. Would you like verification? Survey a number of teachers and ask them if they were prepared for what the classroom is really like?

Concern # 2 - This will be short - I ddi not see much about the people who will rate the schools - I have great concern about the way assessment/accreditation are done.

I have been involved in a number of AdvancED and MANS accreditation and I must say the people conducting them are not trained enough or have the fortitude to make an honest assessment. They are not given the skills and the tools to make good judgments in a 2-3 day period. They follow standards they do not understand. There is no true follow-up and they change their methods so often the previous assessment can not be taken in to account to create a systemic measure to establish trends for proper measurements.

These assessments are much needed but should be done by a team of professional experts and just educators (Many on team are 1st time auditors who are there because their school will soon be audited so they are there to learn). Most teachers/administrators will not criticize their own because they bring in their own feelings and experiences as to what is wrong and are afraid it reflects on them.

 Thank you,